Chapter 12: Gentleman

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I sit, watching the rain drizzle and the crowd bustle down the sidewalk, rushing to their destinations like busy little bees gathering pollen for the hive. I look down to my muffin and cup of no longer steaming coffee, both barely touched. Ya know, if you don't eat you'll starve. I hear a sweet melodic voice resound in the back of my head. I know this, though no matter how much I try, I can't force myself to eat. Ever since I'd arrived in this curious place, my appetite has increasingly subsided. Shrugging, I stand and leave a few dollars on the table as tip and make my way off to campus.  Weaving in and out of people, I finally make my way past the archway and onto the enormous campus. I look at my phone and smile as I notice I have a few minutes to spare, and meander towards the building of my first class. Bodies file past me chattering and gossiping in groups strewn about the courtyard. I spot Samantha and her gaggle of cackling hyenas awaiting their next prey to encroach in their killzone. Yeah, not today, that bitch is NOT going to ruin our mood. Tonight, tonight is going to be the best night we've had since we got here. I smile when the memory of Nicolae draped against the entryway of the manor flashes through my mind. His opulent locks of cocoa, his cryptic eyes, and his scent... Woah there lassie, we need to get through the day, and those kinds of thoughts aren't going to make this day go by quickly. Resigning myself to my inner thought of current reason, I make my way around the clusters of people. As I approach the building of my first class, I notice Drogo and his band of merry lads goofing off and cat calling any pretty girl that walks by. I shake my head and sigh reaching into my bag, grabbing my headphones, and preparing myself for the descent into degenerateville. I flip to a song and turn up the volume hoping it drowns out the morons. Just as I had thought I can mutedly hear whistles and muffled remarks from the group. What a bunch of creeps. 
Evie: "Ya got that right." I mutter under my breath and chuckle lightly as I climb the stairs. I am almost to the top when a pale muscled body blocks my path to salvation. Groaning I look up to meet the eyes of the least pleasant of the Bartholy brothers.
Drogo: "Got what right, princess?" His eyebrow raises and a sarcastically sickening smirk spreads across his lips as he crosses his arms across his chest, cocking his head slightly.
Evie: "Nothing, move." I say flatly, and stare at him with as much annoyance and distaste as I can possibly muster. Drogo and the likes of him are why I detest vampires. Their condescending and arrogant attitudes towards anyone else besides themselves is the all the drive I need to take them out. Especially when I see the switch of arrogance to fear when they've realized they lost the game. It is pure ecstacy in my veins.  Unfortunately though my irritation doesn't dissuade him from pursuing his domineering mannerisms, and he steps closer to me as his repulsive grin deepens. His cronies begin to snicker amongst themselves like little school girls, and I know what happens next.
Drogo: "Awh come on now your highness," he spits out like venom. "You can tell me, after all, we are family right?" He steps closer to me and extends his hand to place on my arm. A cold and pestilent sensation spreads through my body, without thinking my hand clamps down on his wrist. Instinct kicks in and before I can stop myself I shift my body with precise calculation and send the undead nitwit tumbling down the stairs. The air stills and any chatter dies down, jaws are dropped, and Drogo's band of dumbasses are dead silent. Thousands of pairs of eyes are all directed towards me, even Sarah is dumbfounded and staring in shock. This is why we don't trust or treat these creatures like humans, the oh so familiar spurning voice sneers as I freeze. From the bottom of the stairs comes a groan and the realization of what I just did sinks in. My eyes lock on Drogo at the bottom of the stairs. Anything can happen at this point, I very well could have just given myself away. This is probably the dumbest thing you've done since you got here, both voices speak in unison. I completely agree. I mentally prepare myself for the dozens of possible scenarios that are about to unfold when a cool and smooth voice chimes in behind me, causing me to jump.

"Well now, if this is how you are going to represent our family in the face of the public, severe repercussions will be in your unfortunate future." I turn terrified his scorns are directed towards me, but as my eyes find his face, his eyes are locked with that of his lesser sibling.
Drogo: "Psh, not my fault she can't take a little harmless teasing." He scowls and picks his pisspoor self off the concrete. He brushes himself off, and is quick to resume his careless and nonchalant attitude.
Nicolae: "Yes, well this is a matter that will be discussed this evening." Drogo shrugs and trudges off like a wounded dog with his pack of mutts in tow. "Are you alright Evie? I am so terribly sorry about his behavior. It seems not all of us know how to properly behave." Nicolae looks to me with sincere regret and I nod hastily as I notice that the appearance of the eldests Bartholy has done nothing to decrease the gawkers.
Evie: "Uh, y-yeah I'm good. Uhm, I'm just going to head to class. Uhm, bye." I hurriedly maneuver past Nicolae, rushing down the hall hoping that I will wake up from this nightmare at any second. I turn the corner into an empty corridor, and sink against the wall burying my face in my hands. I take a deep gasping breath as I attempt to calm myself down, to no avail. "Ohh god, shit." I take another deep breath and stand there, back against the cool stucco wall. Hands down girl, this is the best soap opera I've ever seen. "You idiot, idiot, idiot, IDIOT!" I exclaim to myself under my breath and inhale once more. My body stiffens as I catch a familiar scent in the air. My hands slowly move from my face and a small yelp leaves my throat. Nicolae....
Nicolae: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!" He holds up his hands, a look of sheer terror on his face. "I followed you because you looked really upset about what happened." He takes a step forward and places both hands on my shoulders. "I just wanted to know that you hold absolutely no fault for what unfolded out there. I know as well as anyone that my brother can be, well, crass." He chuckles awkwardly and sighs looking down for a moment and then locks his eyes with mine. My skin flushes with heat and every word of his velvety voice resounds in my chest. "Please know though that I would never let him, or anyone else for that matter, harm a hair on your head." My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest, his face moves towards mine, and my legs go numb. Whatever you do, do not fall down! I swallow hard and inhale sharply as his lips descend towards mine. I can feel the glacial cold of his skin, and my eyes flutter shut as I prepare myself to drop off the cliff.
Suddenly the sensation is gone and I can hear the mutters of peers flowing in our direction, ambling their way towards the impending sessions. My eyes meet with Nicolae's once more and his expression is that of distaste. His jaw is clenched and he looks severely annoyed that the moment was disrupted. As the voices grow in volume he reluctantly distances himself from me and breaks his connection to my body. He sighs and runs his hand through his cascading locks of espresso. 
Nicolae: "My apologies, you must be heading to class, I'd hate to keep you from your studies. I will see you tonight won't I?" His apologetic eyes meet mine and his aura shifts to an unusual sense of meek insecurity.
Evie: "Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world." I wink and grin brightly effectively reverting his disposition to poised charm. He reciprocates my smile with one of his own and nods his head happily. His eyes dart one way then the other and quickly snatches my hand in his own, bringing it to his lips and gently brushing his icy lips against my skin. The frigid sentiment is gone as soon it came as my hand softly returns to my side. A devilish smirk spreads across his face as he backs away and the mess of bodies pour into the corridor.
Nicolae: "Till then, have a wondrous day." He turns and gracefully weaves his way back through the building and out of sight. That did just happen right? I mean, at first I was hoping all this was a dream, but if it is please don't wake me up! I giggle to myself and make my way to class, praying the day goes quickly and effortlessly, all so I can return to my handsome gentleman.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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