Chapter 2

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Everyone in the classroom panicked as the sounds of gunshots reverberated through the halls, except for me that was. I've seen enough horrifying things in my lifetime so far that gunshots were the least of my worries.

As the kids were ushered into one side of the room as far from the door and windows as possible I couldn't help but use one of my powers that allows me to sense the presences of others. Four of the five presences matched the ones of the beasts that I fought before, as for the fifth one I had no idea who or what the hell it was, but it did feel eerily familiar.

As everyone cowered in their corner I heard the teacher mumble something like 'this is the second time this has happened' and then we went on to ramble some names like Claire and Audrey but I had no idea who the hell they were.

Before I could even formulate a plan of what to do I heard a voice from outside in the hallway. "Hurry you mindless animals! Find her!" A female voice commanded ruthlessly before the low growling of supernatural creatures frightened the students even further.

"We're gonna die!"

"I'm too young!"

"I'm too pretty!"

"I don't want to die!"

I merely snarled at their words. Don't they know that during situations like this screaming and blubbering like that could get us killed!? Me being the ever chivalrous knight in shining armor I got up from my seat and walked out into the hall, the teacher calling out after me.

Sorry Mr. English but I'd rather get rid of this problem now then just wait for all of us to become corpses.

Once inside the hallway I was greeted with the large forms of the monsters from this morning, but the owner of the female voice was nowhere in sight-- I gasped as I executed several flips to closely avoid bullets that were speeding at my head. Once the flurry of bullets stopped I looked up to see the heel of a boot kick me hard in the face and send me crashing through a brick wall and out into the courtyard.

Since my body is very immune to pain I hardly felt any of the attack, but that doesn't mean my pride wasn't damaged. Whoever this mysterious woman is she must be extremely fast if I wasn't able to out dodge her. Once again rising to my full height I arose just in time to see the four gigantic monsters leap from the large whole in the wall of the schools and drop down into the courtyard.

Two of the monsters were like the ones before, large and bulky with very thick hides, gnashing teeth, and crimson red eyes. The other two however were interesting as they had leathery membranous wings that aloud them to take flight, their bodies somewhat smaller, but they also had hands and feet with long razor sharp talons. And finally making her grand entrance to the courtyard was the woman who kicked me.

She looked human with her platinum blonde hair cut in the bob hairstyle, and her cold crystal blue eyes like sapphires that held no mercy or remorse. She wore an attire consisting of a bright red leather jacket, black leather pants and ruby red high heels. And of course this bitch had to look extra edgy with black and red leather fingerless gloves, and in each hand she held a silver handgun with tints of purple.

The girl gave me an arrogant smirk, the smile irritating me to no end. "So your the one Ascension calls Project Zero?" She asked though it came out more like a statement then a question. "I no longer go by such a name, but then again I wouldn't expect a dog of Ascension to have a will of their own."

It was nice to see the girl with the platinum blonde hair glare at me with an uncontrollable anger, but her face soon returned to her icy calm disposition. "You have quite the silver tongue. If only you had that much skill when it comes to battle." I growled in annoyance as she merely chuckled before aiming her guns at me. "But enough talk, let's see if your as strong as they claim!" Who's they? I thought internally before the girl covered more than have the distance away from us within the frame of a single second.

I reached into my portals and took out my handguns, firing a flurry of bullets in her direction. She gracefully dodged all of them whilst sending a barrage my way. The next few attacks were basic melee of swiftly thrown punches and kicks between us, the very air around us sliced like a void less vacuum.

The mysterious woman raised her gun overhead to bring it down upon me to which I blocked, but she must've infused the gun with some sort of energy as it sent me sprawling back from in immense shockwave burst.

I slid across the floor till I skirted to a halt, her bold arrogant smile pissing me off to no end. "Is that truly all you have to offer? It seems that Ascension's been wasting my time if I tracked you doing for all this, such precious time wasted."

My grip on my guns tightened. "We'll see about that when your body's riddled with holes!" I aimed my guns at her before infusing some of my power within them. Electrical energy cackled and sparked around my guns before pulling the triggers and firing, a barrage of electrified bullets heading her way.

I expected those bullets to be able to finish her off but to my surprise she just stood still as her eyes shone bright red. The hell!?

Instantly all of the bullets froze in place as if hitting an invisible wall a few inches from her body. Her smirk grew as the sound of the bullets cracking rang through the air before shattering into a million shards.

I stood there dumbfounded as she smirked triumphantly. "My turn", she grinned as her eyes shone bright red once more and instantly a wall of flames was rushing towards me. On instinct I reached into my well of power deep within me and blasted cold arctic air before bending the ice to my will, freezing the flames and forcing them to jut out like dangerous spires ready to stab clean through anything.

The monsters were taken out by the crystal, their corpses dangling from the large wound in their chest with what seemed like pitch black blood leaking from the entry wounds.

"Damn" I muttered under my breath.

Just who the hell was that woman anyway? And the hell does Ascension want with me this time?

I looked up to see some faces gawking at me through the windows, some with looks of admiration and awe whilst others shown plain fear or disgust.

Well. Guess that means continuing school at Jones Academy is out of the question, but that's fine this school was beginning to bore me anyways.

The sound of sirens blared off in the distance, the cops were coming.

Guess that's my cue to leave.

And with one final look at Jones Academy I took off towards the back of the school wishing to avoid any conflict with the police.

But first the voice warning me and then the girl.....

Just what the hell is going on, and how does this tie into Ascension?

Looks like I'm going to have to play Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out.

A/N: Please don't forget to share, comment, and vote. I really want to know what you think.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Also this is a fanfiction for Kana Marie's Records of Time series or KittyKollision here on Wattpad. Please support the Records of Time series and Endless Hunt when it comes out.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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