Final Training Day on Kamino

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"ECHO SQUAD!! FORM UP!!" Yelled their commander. Echo squad formed into a single line facing forwards. "Today is your final day of training known as the citadel. It'll be easy considering you 5 are the top of your class." Snatcher replied "Sir whatever you and the other commanders throw at us my men and I can succeed." The commander looked at him "Such strong words for a cadet that hasn't even seen the real deal." Snatcher, being the bold of his squad, kept his bravery up. "Sir I know many brothers that have seen it and they told me to be ready for when its my time to fight and I'm ready to fight and die for the republic." As the commander was about to reply Jedi Knight Shaak Tii walked in and smiled at Snatcher "I'm certain you are ready cadet. Commander let them prove themselves by setting the final test to the hardest simulation." The commander nodded "Yes general." The other clones looked at Snatcher with a hint of anger. "What? Do you guys wanna be sent to a post or would you rather be fighting?" The others sighed and replied "we would rather fight." Snatcher grinned "Don't worry. We'll pass." The others nodded and pumped each other up with challenges as they put their armor on and walked towards the simulation room "Snatcher? Are you sure you can handle this?" Snatcher looked at CT-8835 "Yea I'm sure I can but I won't be able to without my brothers by my side." The others grinned and got ready "Lettem have it boys." They all cheer as they start shooting through countless waves of practice droids dodging and covering each until they reach the citadel. "FUCK YEA WE DID IT!! WE FUCKING DID IT!!" yell the clones as they walk towards the elevator and head back to their barracks "I told y'all we would do it!!" Snatcher smiled as they headed to the barracks.

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