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Hello, hello~! If you're reading this, I would assume that you have completed all the possible routes you can take on this story, like I told you at the beginning. (Well, if you read the first Author's Note.) If you haven't then: DISHONOR ON YOU! DISHONOR ON YOUR FAMILY! DISHONOR ON YOUR COW!

If you're still reading this, then I'm going to assume that you're listening like a good human. :) Soooo......... ON WITH THE SPOILERS!!!!!!!

You're probably really frustrated. After all, you've died on virtually all the routes that you took! Oh wait... you did die on all the routes you took. Hehe. Well, I might've maybe made it so you'll never ever get out? Whoops. Well, now I've told you so you don't have to stay up all night wondering about it.

....... Now that I think about it, that was kinda mean... :/ OH WELL! >:)

Lost in the Woods: A Choose Your Own Adventure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now