chapter 1 sun prince

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It was a cool spring day when Lynn met him the prince,her prince.She had been staring out the window for all of class waiting for the bell to ring,giving her freedom.He walked into the classroom his graceful golden hair swaying in the faint breeze from the open window,she didn't listen to anything else,she couldn't, her eyes and her mind were both focused on the beautiful boy in front of her.Then just for a second she could swear they had both locked eyes.Her dark moons and his bright suns and with that she was sure, this boy was hers,her partner.

"Good morning class,this is Francis Rosella,a new student,he's from france I hope you all find the time to get along with him." the teacher announced to the class of second years at Sakurai high school in Japan.The blonde boy bows to the class gracefully and smiles "Good morning,I am Francis Rosella,it is wonderful to make all of your acquaintances."He pronounced it perfectly and clearly as if practiced for months.His smile brought light into the bleak classroom filling Lynn's eyes with colors she's never seen before.

    The teacher pointed towards the empty seat near Lynn,Every girl in the class shot glares,yet for some weird,foreign to Lynns conscience reason.She didn't care.Her eyes were glued to the sun,the prince of light, the rose in a meadow of common invasive Dandelions.He walked over to the seat with a smile,a princely smile and looked straight into Lynn's eyes. "Nice to meet you,Friend?".Lynn couldn't stop it,no matter how hard she struggled,this boy had brought sunlight to her rainy world,a smile to her everlasting frown and colors to her infinite Monochrome.He had broken it,her promise to be alone,he had become her hope,and from this moment on Lynn had sworn to become his,so that one day she could be happy again.

    The class had started,Lynn's mind far away,like really far.Thoughts of Francis in her mind like butterflies over a Valley or water in a stream,or maybe like an ocean,Endless.Lynn thought. "Lynn,head out of the clouds get to work, did you get the answer yet?" the teacher asked her clearly irritated and it wasn't hard to tell that she had asked Lynn a question that Lynn hadn't known about until approximately .5 seconds AFTER the teacher yelled across the classroom, catching her off guard.Earning several snickers from her fellow classmates,which meant everyone...Except the princely french boy sitting neatly next to her.Lynn sighed and did something no one expected,Lynn stood up rushed to the board in an ungraceful stumble and wrote in her most rushed handwriting the exact right answer.Something no other person in her position could do,Lynn had turned around and bowed then continued her rushed stumble to her seat leaving a satisfied teacher and a classroom full of gaping peers.

The boy had smiled and gave her a cheery thumbs up,this put Lynn in a full blown panic, 'What,why,what just happened!' her thoughts were unclear making her fumble and fall out of her chair bringing full blown laughter to the class and fear and embarrassment to Lynn.The boy hadn't meant it so she didn't look at him she looked at the floor in fear,fear of the loss of hope,the color had faded and the sunlight was being overtaken by clouds,but then out of nowhere a hand,one like no other,his hand the prince of light had shone on her keeping away her tears and rushing away all of her darkness and fear blasting away the clouds with his golden smile,and lastly silencing the crowd with his smile.This boy was no ordinary boy.

The sunshine princeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora