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A lamp can be heard smashing to the ground and distant yelling from the living room. No matter how loud I turned up my music nothing could drown out my own harsh reality.

I rip my headphones from my ears and sit up on my hands. the yelling filling my ears, becoming more prominent.

Will there ever be a day where we can have peace?

My mother and stepdad arguing in the living room over something minuscule has become routine in this household.

Everyday they something find new to fight about and everyday I think they fall more out of love with each other, it's hard to believe that they adored one another at some point.


But then my thoughts get cut off by a large thump and a scream that's sent a chill down my spine, for a moment I'm frozen in fear of what I'll find on the other side of my door.

Though, I can hear my twin brothers door fly open and that's when I jump into action.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU ASSHOLE" Noah yells as I peek my head through the door

My mother immediately jumping to my stepfathers defense "DON'T TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT NOAH! HE IS A GROWN MAN AND YOU ARE JUST A BOY YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND! NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!" My mother yells as she slowly gets up from the floor weakly pointing towards his room.

Then the unspeakable happened.


Then it happened. A smack right across Noah's face that even made me flinch from where I was standing.

Our stepfather had hit him too.

A dreadful silence fell through this house.

This was NOT going to become our new.

And then I don't know it was almost like fate itself had been controlling me but I whipped out my phone and texted my best friend, Finn.

Feylynn: Remember how you said you wanted to get outta here?

Finn:Yeaaa Why?

Feylynn: Do you trust me Finn?

Finn: Of course I do, what is this about fey?

Feylynn:No time for questions get a bag packed with clothes and as much food and drinks as you can and meet me out front I'll explain later❤.


Before I knew it I heard another loud thud and glass breaking, Noah And Lonnie were fighting.

As Noah and Lonnie wrestled on the ground I find the courage to move from behind the door. I pulled Lonnie off of my brother and I looked down to see my brothers faced cover in blood but it wasn't his. I looked at Lonnie's face and just as I expected his nose and mouth was dripping blood, I went to take a closer look but Lonnie flung me off him and into a wall.

The impact from my back hitting the wall caused my head to whip back. the blunt force of his push knocked all the air from my lungs.

I do my absolute best to be the most silent in the room. to be the calmest so that my thoughts are more rational and clearly but after Lonnie pushed me for the final time a boil that I'd never felt before came over my blood. The need for being rational left me, and I don't think it ever came back.

I silently but swiftly picked myself up from the ground, shaking with a rage foreign to even me.

I ran back towards him and pushed him with all the strength I had and he fell I managed to get on top of him and continuously punch him in the nose and I every time I spoke I punched. And every time I punched I felt a little better.

"Don't- You- EVER- Lay- A finger- On me or my family- AGAIN!" I said right before finn uses the key under the mat next to my front door to unlock it and pull me off. Lonnie would've died tonight if he hadn't.

It felt like this entire moment was happening in slow motion.

My mother runs towards Lonnie with no regard for me or Noah's safety at all.. and that's when I knew...

"I never wanna see either one of you. Again. Get out of my house."

Noah speaks up "BUT WE WERE TRYING TO DEFEND-" I cut him off with my hand to his chest and a shake of my head

She never gave a damn about us.

I look him in the eyes with my hand still on his chest "There's no saving someone who doesn't want to be saved"

And she was never going to..

"Go pack as many things as you can, let's get out of here"

Noah walks off to his room and I walk off to mine and as soon as my door shuts my back hit it

Don't cry.

The cool tears meet my flushed face despite my wishes and I quickly swipe them away. I grab a bag from my closet and start shoving as many things in it as I can tears pricking my eyes it felt as those all the blood in my body has rushed to my face like my heart had been ripped from my chest, my knees wanted to give out. This was too much emotion to handle at once.

How could the person that gave me life be so cruel?

So naive?

Before I could fully give into my feelings I felt warm arms wrap around from behind me and a delicate whisper falls from Finns lips to my ears "I'm right here with you y'know, you're not alone fey" I begin to sob and he squeezes me tighter and the only thing g that seems to bring me comfort is when he says

"Trust me, we're leaving.. and we're never coming back"

Hope you guys enjoyed this first one it's been edited a bunch throughout the years. <3

Runaway love👣❤// Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now