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Feylynns pov

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE" the lady yells in anger

"Hey hey calm down okay lets go talk this out" jack says as he walks to the back office with the counter lady

and with that sophia ran to the counter looked at all the available rooms and grabbed the key for us.

Noah and i share a room, sophia and jack share a room and finn and wyatt share a room and millie gets her own room since shes paying for all of this

1 hour later

"do i really have to share a room with jack" sophia whines

"oh please you know he is hot" millies says as she walks into her room and closes the door

"if you say so" sophia says as she walks into her and jacks room and closes the door

"how you guys holding up" i say to just wyatt since finn is already sleeping

"good im just gonna take a quick nap" he says as he lays down

"okay bye"

"bye fey"

but before i can leave finn wakes up and calls me back

"feeyyyy" he say with a sleepy raspy voice

"yes babe" i say quietly being considerate of wyatt trying to sleep and calling him babe just to get a reaction

"Babe?" He says with a smile

"Oh shush" I say smiling

"come nap with me pleasee" he begs sleepily

"fine" i say as i lay next to him

then finn snakes his arm around my waist and rests his head in the corner where my neck meets my shoulder and we both drift off to sleep

"EW JACK REALLY" sophia screams

me and finn get up to go see what sophia is screaming about

we walk into their room to see a naked jack hovering over the counter lady

"really jack" i laugh

"what she's hot" he laughs

"more like not hot at all" sophia yells from behind the door

"oh please you're mad you can't get none of this" jack says WHILE THRUSTING IN AND OUT OF COUNTER LADY

"well ya gotta do what ya gotta do" finn says laughing

the counter lady moans could be heard from behind the door.

"oH jAcK" i say practically dying on the floor at this point

"GUYS GO AWAY" jack yells

and with that we all leave with tears of laughter in our eyes

"well im gonna check up on noah and we can discuss whatever the hell we are gonna eat later tonight " i say to finn

"okay ill see you then" he says as he places a soft kiss on my lips

and with that me and sophia walk to my room and talk

"Soo how are you feeling fey" sophia says

"i feel good to finally get away from that house and doing it with my friends feels even better" i say

"yea i'm proud of you fey, i love you guys so much" sophia tears up

"my life sucked so much ass and then you guys came along and made it better and supported me in EVERYTHING i did" she says now in full on tears

"and that support is never going to end neither is the love" i say as i hug her

"hey hey why is sophia crying" noah says as he walks out the bathroom with just a towel around his waist

"because i just love and appreciate you guys so much and i'm happy to be a part of your lives"

"love you more soph" he says as he hugs her

"well I got a text from Jack saying that you can go back to the room cuz counter lady is gone" i say laughing

"wait please don't make me go back there I love Jack with all my heart but I cannot share a room with him"she says getting really panicked

"yea if you can share a room with me then I'm sure you can share a room with Jack and maybe you can find out why he hates you so much" he says looking at sophia and gulping

i take the hint and i give in

"fine FINE but i beg of you please use a condom im not ready to be an aunt yet" i laugh

"yea yea okay" sophia say as she technically tries to push me out MY room

i grab some clothes and practically drag myself to jacks room

Runaway love👣❤// Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now