1. The Unexpected Happening

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I was walking to History class, when I felt a powerful force push me to the ground. My head painfully hit the hard tiled floor of Triplett High School. The hideous laughter of my bullies was just a drone to me; the throbbing pain I felt in the left of my head occupied my full attention. I still managed to here the degrading words and racist slurs of the people above me.

"Next time, watch where you're going nerd." I fought the tears threatening to roll down my face. "Now, you can cry, you pathetic African bastard." Darren and his whole crew laughed at my misfortune, how cruel can they be.

I stood up and ran as fast I could to my sacred room, my sanctuary, the only place I can have peace...

The music room.

These walls know all of my insecurities, all my secrets, all my hurt, all my pain.

They also know my passion, my joy, my laugh, my heart, my soul.

I always come here after I have had a bad incident. Even my teachers know that if I'm late I'm in the music room. They all know how much I love music.

Have I mentioned that I love music?

It's more of an obsession, rather than a love. Growing up in the church, I was exposed to music quite frequently. My mother taught me how to play piano, and her, the mezzo soprano, was in the church choir, and always used to sing around the house. Throughout the years, I have acquired the abilities to play other instruments, such as cello, and alto saxophone. Music is my only comfort during these dreadful high school hours.

I went in the music room, grabbed my cello, and tuned it using the grand piano forte.

I call it a piano forte because that was the originally the name for it, this beautiful instrument.

I played the melody for "Heart Attack" by Demi Lovato, my favorite song at the moment. I added a vocal percussion part to it, making it more Hip-Hop rather than Pop. I had so much fun, all my emotional and physical pain went away. I've never showed my 'talent' to anybody; I get made fun of enough, and I also have a big case stage fright.

I set down my cello and and picked up my alto sax. I played random notes that popped into my head. I played random riffs and runs, putting my heart and soul into this miscellaneous music.

I walked out of the door of the band room to get a drink of water. I probably missed more than half of History, I thought as I walked towards the doorway, Whatever, I don't like History anyway.

As soon as I opened the door, I was startled by a tall blonde standing behind the door. I saw bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair before I clumsily bumped into him. My books fell out of my hands. I expected him to throw some 'classic' racist slur and push me to the ground, but instead he knelt down with me and helped me get my books.

That's unnatural.

"Sorry, dude, " the blonde said. "I always come here, I never excepted anyone else." He said this in a sincere, honest tone, not sarcastically, which also surprised me.

We walked in together and as soon as we sat down in the plush chairs, he said, "The name's Scott Hoying. I heard you play from outside, was that an alto or tenor saxophone?"

"Alto." I mumbled.

"I still don't know your name though, what is it?" Scott inquired. 

"You can call me nerd if you'd like," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Where did that come from? I'm usually very nice to people. Maybe I was just so used to the names.

"Now why would I call you that, I'm not a bully or something." Scott stated, totally ignoring my sarcasm.

"Well," I opened up, "My name's Kevin."

"Well, Kevin," he started, "You seem really musically talented," I shrugged at his compliment, "Would you like to help me write a song for the school talent show?" he said and he smiled at me. Scott's smile was so infectious I couldn't help but smile back at him.

I think Scott Hoying is the first nice person I've ever met in this hell of a school.

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