2. Meetup for the Song? Definitely.

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Scott sat down on the piano forte bench, and he played a beautiful melody. He sang along to his song. I was astonished at how well Scott could sing. His runs were flawless, and he seemed like a baritone, but in his falsetto he could sing as high as countertenor. The lyrics of the song were amazing; they had meaning. I despise songs that are meaningless and a nuisance, doesn't matter how good the melody or harmony is. The song seemed to be about a person destroying your life. They were supposedly your Natural Disaster, as said in the chorus. The song was so amazing; the chords, the lyrics, the melody, the harmony, especially Scott's voice. Oh, his voice.

"The song is called Natural Disaster." the baritone said. Of course, I thought.

"It took a long time to write. It's like I put my heart and soul into it. Do you like it?" Scott asked hopefully.

"It's amazing," I said quietly, hiding my true adoration for the song.

His expression became extremely humble  "You like it, Kev?" the blonde said. I hid my bright smile.

Scott smiled while writing down something in his notepad.

"That's your songbook." I stated. He nodded without a word.

"Can I see it?" I asked shyly.

"No need to be shy!" Scott's blue eyes sparkled. "Heads." Before I knew it, the notebook filled with wonders came flying through the air. I easily caught it with one hand.

"Wanna work on the song more?" Scott asked.

I was so caught up in his notebook that I totally zoned him out. He was such a good song writer! He must have a lot of free time; he had a million pages filled with lyrics and notes.

"Kevin?" Scott said loudly. My head snapped up, and I subconsciously widened my eyes.

"I said, do you want to work on the song more?" He looked hopeful.

"I can't, I already missed like more than half of History."

'History? Screw it! I like music more."

"I know, myself included, but really, I have to go, and so do you," was my logical reply.

"Alright, Mother." Scott gave me an exasperated sigh.

"Hey!" I jumped to go get my books, "Why don't you come over to my house tomorrow? I have a grand piano forte, so we can work on that masterpiece you call a song."

He looked perplexed. "A grand what?" Scott stared at me with confusion clearly shown in his face.

"Piano forte." I emphasized sarcastically. "You know, the thing with the black and white keys."

"I know what a piano forte is, stupid. I just thought I was the only person who called it a piano forte."

"That makes two of us." I said, surprised. I ripped a small piece of paper from his notepad and wrote my address.

"Meet me outside at the fence in the front of the school. I walk home, and you will walk with me."

"Demanding much?" Scott smirked. "See you at 3:00."

"Alright, don't forget your piano forte music."

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