Chapter 2

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Jess's POV:

It was 6:00 in the morning and I just finished getting ready for the trip. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. Maybe this trip will help me get away from everything that has been bothering me. I will have fun, I know it.

I heard at knock at the door.

"It's me, Kaylie!" She opened the door.

"Hola, you all ready?" I asked as a grabbed my luggage and put it near the door.

"Yup! I'm excited, I've never been to Florida!" Kaylie set her stuff next to mine.

"Cameron and his mom should be here soo-"

"Let's go all the guys are here we are waiting on you guys!" Cameron interuppted.

We grabbed our things and headed outside to the van and threw it in the trunk.

"So you must be Kaylie." I overheard Cameron say to Kaylie from the trunk.

"Yeah, that's me. And you're Cameron." Kaylie smiled.

"Yup." Their eyes locked. Then Kaylie looked down at her feet. She took some of her brown curly hair and put it behind her ear, shyly.

I was still looking at them and smiling when Nash turned around from inside the car. Nash was the only I really knew out of all the guys besides Cameron.

"What's up, Jess! Long time no see." He smiled.

"Hey Nash." I stopped looking at Kaylie and Cameron and I looked at Nash, then walked to the door of the car and hopped in. Kaylie sat next me in the back. Nash, Carter, and Matt were in the way back, and Cameron was in the front with his mom.

"Ok guys, everyone ready?" Cam's mom asked.

"Yup!" We all said.


We finally arrived at the airport and we had an hour and a half to go through check-in and security. It was a good thing we got there early because it was really busy today.

We all grabbed our stuff and got in line for check-in. I looked around the airport. All of sudden a group of girls came running towards us. They pushed through Kaylie and I to get to the guys. They were screaming asking for pictures and autographs. Thank God our security got here the same time we did.

"Why are all these girls asking for autograhs from them?" Kaylie asked very confused.

"They are famous viners. If you had vine, you would understand." I told her.

"Oh- OW!" Kaylie yelled. "One of those idiots just elbowed me in the back! Fuck! That hurt!" Kaylie rubbed her back.

"Yeah, you have to be careful around some of them." I giggled a little at her reaction.

"No kidding!"

"Oh my gosh, it's Jessilyn Barrow! Can I please get a picture?!" A girl came up to me.

"Yeah sure," I smiled and took pictures with a few girls. I looked over at Kaylie. She looked surprised.

"You never told me you were vine famous too!" She said.

"Yeah but I'm not a big as the guys." I told her.

"How many followers do you have?" She asked.

"Only about 600 thousand."

"Only?" She questioned me. I laughed.


We finally got out of security and check-in right on time to board the plane. Kaylie and I were next to eachother on the plane. There was an empty next to me so it was just us two. We got inside the plane and we all sat down.

I put my headphones in and closed my eyes, until I felt someone sit next to me.

"Hey sorry, do you mind if I sit here? Cam, Nash, and Carter got the same row and I was stuck sitting next to a fat dude. And he smelt bad." I pulled out my headphones and looked Matt. I laughed.

"No, sure go ahead!" I smiled. He looked me in the eye for awhile.

"Sorry, it's just your eyes.." He began, but then stopped.

"Thanks," I looked away and blushed.

About 10 minutes later, we were getting ready to take off.

"L.A. here we come!" Cam yelled.

"Well, I'm going to go to sleep. I'm really tired." I told Matt.

"Yeah, me too," he said.

"See you in L.A.!" I looked into his amazing brown eyes one more time before I closed mine. Matt laughed and closed his as well.


hey guys hope you are enjoying it so far keep reading :)

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