Chapter 16

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   "Ok guys you know the drill". Ivan said. "Only shoot something if it's worth it". "If it's too small or has been bitten by those monsters, leave it". "Don't waste any bullets or make too much noise". "If you come across stores or houses, loot them and destroy". "If you're  being chased, do not come back, we don't need any attention". "If you come across any survivors, kill on site". "And do not come back empty handed!" "Am I clear?"

   Everyone who was hunting agreed. I didn't agree. Those rules sucked. I got to hunt with other people. Dennis and his mother, Greg, and Mrs. Parker (I had no idea she was here).

   Ivan let us out through the garden in the back. The tall wooden gate was almost completely around the market. Blues were all around it hammering nails. With all the reds around them, they looked nervous.

   "Be safe, come back soon!" Ivan said as we exited the gate.

    We all walked into the woods armed. Dennis and his mom had a knife, Greg had a gun and so did Mrs. Parker. I had a gun also.

    I've never had or handled a gun before. It was heavy for a little cowboy pistol. I don't know why Ivan thought I could hunt and protect myself with this. If this prevents me from returning back to Ozzie I'm gonna be pissed.

    "Hey look, a thrift shop". Whispered Mrs. Parker. We headed over quietly.

   The windows were broken and it was dark inside. Everyone climbed inside carefully looking out for zombies.

   "We should split up". Mrs. Parker suggested.

   "No, staying together is the best idea". Dennis's mom whispered. I found out her name is Mrs. Hoble

   "This isn't a fucking debate". Mrs. Parker said. Then she turned away and left to search the store.

   Mrs. Hoble mouth dropped. Dennis had to pull her away before it turned to a cat fight.

   I was shocked myself. Never have I seen Mrs. Parker act like a jerk. I walked over to Mrs. Parker who was going through all the cabinets.

   She didn't have to look to know I was behind her. "I said, split up". She muttered.

   "That was kinda rude Mrs. Parker". I whispered.

   "My name is Nia and she wouldn't listen".  Nia said coldly. "Ya have to do or say anything to survive now".

   That left me silent because I couldn't believe she just said that. That survival tip is cruel and selfish. Its not the way I'm living. Nia is a green but she's beginning to sound like a red.

   I walked away from her and went to look in a clothes rack. I'm not a fan of this looting and destroying. Why destroy, someone else could use it. I don't have a choice tho, Ivan will get mad if we come back empty handed.

   A horrible scream came from the other side of the store. Everyone looked and spotted a zombie on top of Greg.

   Nia immediately ran out the store. Dennis and his mother looked confused because she ran. All of Greg's screaming would attract more zombies. "Go!" I screamed. Dennis and his mother booked it. I ran over to Greg.

   The zombie was dragging him into the room it came from. It was a male zombie. Its legs were gone along with its ears but it's muscular arms didn't struggle  to pull him. In a few more inches, the zombie could bite his foot.

   I pulled out my gun and aimed at the zombie. I shot and missed. The shot was loud and rang in my ears making me drop the gun. I picked it back up nearly getting my hand chomped off.

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