That typical unexplainable weight.

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Alexandra Fisher

          The week had flown by all the way to Saturday, the day where the students were allowed to leave campus to visit their families and such. Oh, it was also the day of Trace’s party, but that was not relevant at all. At least for me.

          Mason and I had left school to go our parents’ house. Well, it now belonged to my dad only. During the car ride, Mason had whined like a four-year-old because I was refusing to go to Trace’s party. I still don’t understand how his girlfriend Lauren could cope with such a stubborn prick.          

           I was chilling in my room with my back against the headboard of my bed, listening to The Cataracs playing quietly in the background, before my older brother Tyrone came in.

           I raised my eyebrow at my brother. Like, maybe he could have knocked, you know…?

           He sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me. Goodness, I envied his beautiful eyes. They were this pale blue color, just like my grandmother’s.

           I wiggled my eyebrows at him just once in a ‘sup manner.

           “Why do you not want to go to the party?” He asked softly. 

           I rolled my eyes.

          Oh, so basically Mason, being the child he was, had told his big bro Tyrone that I was being a PMSing bitch and didn’t want to go to the party because I didn’t feel like it. And, of course, Tyrone knew that my dad didn’t approve of one of us—Mason or me—going to a party without the other.

          My father would say that we shouldn’t be at this kind of events alone so we could ‘keep an eye on your twin’. However, Tyrone had never had this kind of restrictions—the going-with-your-sibling condition, I mean. I guess it was because of the mere fact that he had always been very mature for his age.

          I shrugged. “Dunno.” I was not about to tell him that I didn’t want to go just because of one person. He would probably tell me to suck it up and go. And, well, I did not want to go.

         He sighed. “Come on,” he pouted his lower lip in a manner that made me wonder whether it hurt or not. “Do your twinnie a favor and make us all happy, yes?”

          I snorted. ‘Twinnie’ was what Mason and I often referred to as each other. But wait… I’m afraid I never did mention this before, did I? Anyway, I’ll mention it right now. Mason and I were fraternal twins, me being the hot one, of course. I was older than him by, what, two minutes? Yeah, I believe it’s two minutes. The cool part was that I always used this fact as an authority on him whenever we got into an argument; after all, he should respect the elderly.

          “What did he bribe you with?” I asked, already knowing what my older brother was like.

          He scoffed indignantly and stood up, opening and closing his mouth a few times, trying to come up with a decent argument. “What!? You think I would stoop that low to—“

          I gave him a look, making him sit back down on the bed immediately.

           “Fifty bucks.” He smirked. He paused for a moment. “So, you’ll do it?” He asked hopefully, looking quite adorable with his innocent, facial expression.

           I sighed, giving in to his lovely face. “You and your ways.” I mumbled, shaking my head to myself.

          Tyrone whooped, standing up and pumping his fist in the air. “You are the best, Lexie!” He bent over, giving me a kiss on the cheek, before rushing out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2012 ⏰

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