Chapter 17

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~Lizzy's P.O.V~

I sit in the waiting room with Austin, Vic, Alex and now Alan as we wait for the doctor to come out with Ridley's results.

"Miss Armstrong." a nurse says coming out of the big heavy emergency doors.

"That's me." I say getting up with the boys following me. We walk over to her and nods at me.

"Well we have the test results.." she begins and I hold my breathe and squeeze Austin's hand.

"Your sister has a blood disease, she is going to need a blood transfusion. If her body accepts it then things will be okay and work out if her body rejects it then were going to have a bit of a problem." she says and I gasp in shock.

"When are you going to be doing the transfusion?" Austin asks.

"In approximately 15 minutes, if you want to see her quickly then you might want to go do that now." she says and we nod. She leads us to Ridley's room where we see her lying on the bed with a pale face and a lost look in her eyes.

"Hey Riddles." I say walking over and taking her hand in mine. She slowly turns her head and looks at me.

"Hi Lizzy." she says slowly.

"How are you feeling?" I ask but she doesn't respond.

"Ridley.." I ask.

"Have you ever had that feeling that this time you just might not make that this is your time to go... your time to say goodbye?" she asks and Austin walks over to her other side and takes her other hand.

"I have a few times, after my mother died, I was depressed and I thought maybe it was my time to go to, but I realized it wasn't." he says.

"This... this is different.. this time my body is agreeing.." she says as a tear leaks down her cheek. I wipe it with my thumb.

"You'll be okay Ridley." I say.

"...and If I'm not?" she says.

"Ridley." Alex says walking over and I let go of her hand and Austin does the same as we move to the foot of her bed and Alan and Vic slowly advance. The 2 seem to still be in a shock.

"Don't think so negatively, your a strong girl, I know you are, your my best friend and I'm so glad I've met you, you got to be strong, you got to get through this. You have your hole life a head of you and hell its only just begun. You have friends and family who need you. You also have fans who need you." Alex says and he strokes her cheek and brushes the tears away from her face as more and more begin to fall from her eyes.

"Maybe... maybe your right..." she says and he nods pulling her into a hug.

"You know I am." he says and sets her back down lightly. He backs away as Alan comes forward.

"You Ridley I'm going to be honest with you. Im still pretty surprised that all this is happening and well its still processing, but everyone is right. You'll be okay, you got to be strong and fight back against the demons in your blood. You can do it. Your strong, you and Lizzy both. You girls are so full of light and I know how much you mean to each other. Your guys bond is so much stronger then just a pair of sisters, and I know if you don't it through Lizzy wont ever be the same and I know that I wont ever be the same. I haven't known you long and I don't know you as much as some of the other guys but your a funny girl, full of energy and giggles. I love it, plus I still need to beat you at that racing game you love oh so much so be strong Ridley. We all need you." Alan says and tears form in my eyes. I never could of pictured Alan saying something as beautiful as that.

"Ridley... I love you... and I swear to god if you make it through and back to me, back to us. Baby girl I will give you the world, ill make all your dreams come true. Ill put a diamond ring on your finger and give you, your dream wedding. Ill give you kids if that's what you want. Because all I want is you. To be with you until death do us part when were old and wrinkly. I can't grow older without you. I love you Ridley Anne Armstrong." Vic says holding her hand in his hands and pressing his lips to hers.

"I love you to... I love you all...and Ill do my best... to fight... to fight for you all. You guys are my strength and I will use that... I will fight the demons within me." she says right as a nurse walks in.

"Its time for the transfusion." she says.

We all take our turns hugging Ridley with me going last.

"I love you Riddles. Ill see you soon baby sis." I say kissing her forehead before they push her bed out of the room and into another.

"And now we wait." Austin declares and we all make our way back to the waiting room and take a seat.

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