Chapter 1

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Waking up in the pouring rain wasn't the worst part. Looking around to find nothing you recognize wasn't the worst part. Hell, even the soul-sucking terror of lightning striking within your eyesight wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part was calling out for help and no one hearing me.

The worst part was putting my hands to my ears, shouting to be heard over the rain.

The worst part was clawing at my own throat, desperate for it to make some kind of noise,

But hearing nothing.

When they found me, I wasn't fully aware of anything that was happening. I vaguely remember someone urging me to stand and another person resigning to carry me instead. I had no qualms about this; I couldn't see straight, let alone stand up, so it was relieving that someone else took care of it.

After a little while I'm warmer than before, but my wet clothes clung to me and made me shiver. I heard a female voice and was picked up once again. When I was set down again, the surface was hard and cold. A soft voice reassured me that I was going to be alright. I heard something loud start up and a blast of hot air fanned over my hair. My jacket was shrugged off of me and my shoes were removed next, along with my socks. After a while, the air stopped. The room felt far too quiet, in the same way that the music cuts off at an event and suddenly the quiet seems magnified by the lack of boisterous noises that once filled the air.

I open my eyes slightly but can only catch a glimpse of bright blonde before my vision fades out again. Two female voices debated my wet clothing situation and when I feel my soaked jeans slide off of my legs, I register that they had decided to remove them instead of trying to dry them on me. My shirt also comes off, this much more difficult than the jeans. The warm air returns and my legs are covered with something soft and plush. Immediately following, my torso is covered as well. I subconsciously thank my jacket for keeping my bra dry, but can't focus on much more as I'm carried into what I assume to be a bed. The voices fade from earshot and I let the warmth around me lull me to sleep.

"You love your voice a lot, don't you? You wouldn't know how to live without it. Imagine; losing the ability to sing and talk. It could break you, couldn't it?"


Hey, hi! So, sorry for the wait. I finally got to start writing today, even though I've been sitting on this idea for a while. If you'd like to know a bit of background info, check out the info page, it explains a lot of how I came up with this idea. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this story! I know this first chapter is super short, but they won't all be like that, I promise. I'll see you in the next chapter!

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