When Hoodie Cries

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1. Hoodie never cries in front of people he doesn't know very well

2. If Hoodie walks into his room and brakes down crying say nothing and hold him

3. If you do step two and he pushes you away get Masky

4. Never use the words "What happened?" Or "Are you alright?" 

5. Don't try to cheer him up with cheesecake

6. If anyone else tries to help Hoodie don't let them

7. If he tells you someone did something to him KILL THEM 

8. If step 7 is difficult for you just remember that there will be plenty of killer roommates but there is only one Hoodie in the world 

9. Sometimes Hoodie just needs to cry, he's been through a lot

10. If you catch Hoodie silently crying while staring at something then you give him a box of tissues and stay next to him

11. If Hoodie starts yelling and crying at you just know that you didn't do anything the anger is about something else. 

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