Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


I woke up with a weight on my chest. Startled, I opened my eyes, only to find Macayla laying on me. I dropped my head back, taking deep breaths in and out, trying to slow my heart rate.

Once it was back down to normal, I looked back down at her. Her wavy hair was a little messy, but not so much so that she looked bad. Her delicate hand rested on my chest, her fingers slightly curled. She snored quietly. I smiled down at her, lightly stroking her soft hair.

I then looked down at the guys. Michael and Ashton were asleep, but Luke was on his phone. I guess he heard me stir because he looked up at me and smiled.

"So who won the couch last night?" he teased.

"Shut up," I whispered groggily, running a hand through my own hair. He smiled cheekily at me and returned to scrolling on his phone.

After a few minutes, Mackayla started to stir. She sat still for a second before looking up at me.

"Morning," I whispered, smiling.

"Morning," she whispered sleepily, stretching.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

She nodded. "You're comfortable." I chuckled.

"You two are adorable," a voice below us said. We both looked down to see all three of them looking up at us. I felt Macayla move and looked up just in time to see her throw a pillow at Ashton, who caught it midair and threw it back.

"Alright, you two," I chided. "It's too early to be throwing pillows around." Macayla looked at me and pouted. I raised my eyebrows at her. She stared at me evilly before falling back onto my chest. We all laughed at her.

"And you guys call me the child," Michael chuckled. Macayla stuck her tongue out at him and he stuck his right back.

"Kids, are you up?" Mrs. Hemmings called from the top of the stairs. "Breakfast is ready!" We all looked at each other before jumping up and sprinting to the kitchen upstairs.


We sat at the bar in the kitchen, eating chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.

"Fank oo, s eings!" Macayla said, her mouth full of pancake.

"Uhuhumafashuh?" Luke mocked.

Macayla blushed deeply before swallowing and saying, "I said, thank you, Mrs. Hemmings!" We all laughed.

"You're welcome, sweetie, anytime," Mrs. Hemmings chuckled. Macayla smiled shyly down at her plate before shoveling the other half of her pancake into her mouth.

"Mac, you're gonna choke," I warned. She shrugged and swallowed. I put my head in my hands and shook my head. "What are we going to do with you?"

She laughed and hugged me from the side. "You're gonna feed me more pancakes and bacon!" I looked over at her smiling face and let my head fall into my hands again. She giggled and hugged me tighter.

After breakfast, we all headed out into the rec room where the Hemmings' kept all their instruments. I grabbed the bass from its holder on the wall, Michael and Luke each grabbed a guitar from the stands on the ground, and Ashton sat on his little drum thing. Macayla sat on a chair, her feet curled around her. She wrapped both of her hands around a mug of hot chocolate that she got from the kitchen. For some reason, no matter what season it was, she always drank hot chocolate in the morning. It was like her coffee.

I started absentmindedly strumming a few chords on the bass while trying to figure out what to play.

"Any suggestions?" Luke asked Macayla.

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