Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


"Hi, Daddy!" I said, waving at my computer.

"Hi, baby!" my dad said, waving back. My dad used to have hair the same color as mine, but it turned lighter with age. His many laugh lines made him look older than he is, and they became more pronounced when he smiles. "How are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?" I answered.

"We're doing good. Just trying to keep your brothers out of mischief." We both chuckled. My dad then turned behind him. "Hey, Will! Parker! Macayla's on!"

I heard the pitter-patter of two pairs of little legs as I saw my two little brothers run into the picture.

"Hi, Macayla!" Will, the older one, greeted me, flicking his dark blonde hair out of his eyes. Seeing a five-year-old flick their hair out of their eyes is definitely weird.

"Hi, Caya!" three-year-old Parker said, waving his hand so fast I thought it would fall off. Parker's curly hair is the same color as mine, and it sits in a mop on top of his head.

I waved at them. "Hi, Will! Hi, Parker! How are you guys?"

"We're good," Will answered. Parker nodded in agreement. I chuckled at how cute they were.

"Are you wearing Daddy out for me?" I asked. Before I left, my brothers and I would always keep my dad on his toes. We'd mess with him all the time. Even though Parker was only one and Will was only three when I left, I had them both hiding my dad's shoes and hats.

"Yup!" Parker answered this time, smiling proudly. Will gave me a thumbs up. My dad looked at me warningly. I just laughed.

"Where's Laura?" I asked. Laura was my dad's wife. She was short compared to him and had long blonde hair.

"She had to run a few errands," my dad answered, catching Parker as he tried to jump off our father's lap.

"Oh, ok," I replied. "Tell her I said hi!"

"Will do, baby girl," Dad promised, nodding.


I talked to my dad for another hour or so before he had to go. We said goodbye and I shut off my laptop. If there's one thing I miss about America, it's my dad.

Just then, I felt my phone buzz next to me. I looked at it and saw a text from Calum.

From: Cal

when ur done talking to ur dad come ovr the guys and I hanging out.

I texted him back.

To: Cal

Just finished! Let me find shoes and then I'll come over. See u in a bit!

Somehow I found shoes in my tornado of a room, slipped them on, and ran over to Calum's.

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