No Fairy Princess

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He didn't find any glass slipper,
Nor did she come to the ball in a carriage.

She wasn't found by the seven dwarfs,

Nor did a prince wake her from her sleep.

She didn't own long precious hairs
Which glowed as she sung

But yet here he was, Her prince charming!

Standing on his knees
Forgetting his status
Just for her.

A mere common girl
Who was his rare diamond.

She had no name, no parents.
None to call her friend,
No piece of land to stay.

She was a mere stranger he crossed,

Someone who was frowned upon.

She was ashamed of herself,
When he taught her to love thy self.

He was a true man, someone extraordinary.

The one who respected women
And didn't underestimate them.

Someone who she was proud to call her husband.

** When someone respects you and accepts you as you are! Never change yourself for anyone.We are who are! And nobody should want to change us if we matter to them.Love doesn't come with expectations. Be it as a lover, sibling, friend or anyone.Even if you are weird, irritating, funny, childish or totally opposite of how they are, they did still love you. Just because you don't fake yourself like some people do or you don't look like a chalta phirta makeup box, or just because you are different doesn't mean you don't belong here or you should change yourself according to the how the world wishes.Carry your self-respect and be proud of who you are. Respect is commanded, not demanded. **

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