Please Don't Make Any Sudden Moves

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A/N . I hope this is good. It defiantly differentiates from what I was a lot never mind being 3x longer.T/W involves a panic attack, or at least the start of one. Enjoy.

Virgil's POV

I can barely breathe with Logan's fist about my neck. I try and slip out of his grasp or hope to at least. But every time I manage to loosen his iron like grip he tightens it again. I feel my anxiety rising as I realise the situation I am caught in. Stay strong, stay strong I whisper to myself glancing quickly at wrists. Logic catches my gaze and moves a hand to grab mine. I hiss in frustration, panic overriding all common sense I writhe in his grip and bring my fist forwards.

In the movement my hoodie sleeve slips down and though I hit my rival square in the jaw, the prospect of the others seeing was not worth the risk. Hurriedly pulling down my cuffs I stare about sheepishly my mind suddenly on a go slow. No one seems to know what to do. Logan stands clutching his jaw, anger seething behind his calm composure.

"How about we all go get a good night's sleep and discuss this in the morning" Patton chimes. I almost snort at the idea of a good night's sleep but manage to stay quiet.

Slowly we all start moving towards our rooms. Nobody says a word as we climb the stairs. No one speaks as e turn our separate ways. Then I'm in my room and letting out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. Only to suck it in again when I heard him approach my door.

Romans POV

No one makes any movement to comfort one another or to fill the hole that the silence is bringing. No one says goodnight to one another as we each approach our own rooms. Something is terribly wrong here.

I must have just lay down on my bed when I heard someone in the corridor. Being the inquisitive and brave person that I am I head out to see what could be disturbing my beauty sleep. I open my door to see: Logan? Heading to Anxiety's room? This cannot be good, surely?

I'm about to ask what he is doing when he lets himself in or at least I suppose that's how it would go. Maybe I should go see what they are up to, because there is no way, not in the name of all dragon witches that they are apologising. But then again, sleep is nagging me like a bad smell, even if they were playing out a Disney movie I would probably doze off, so I guess I'll wait until morning.

3rd POV

But that was his big mistake for that morning- it was too late. What happened that night could not be erased but maybe if he had turned up events would have occurred differently. So when they met over breakfast that morning, relationships were hard wearing. Roman kept glancing at Virgil. Virgil kept glancing at Logan. Logan kept glancing at Patton and Patton kept glancing at Roman.

"What?" The prince like character finely demanded.

"You keep looking at Anxiety," the fatherly figure defended his silent son.

"He keeps looking at Logan" Roman replied pointedly. At this the anxious trait hissed to himself and leaned further back in his chair. Patton caught this action and hurried to recover himself.

"Well why don't we hear their views on this?" he asked, almost daring his son to respond.

"Fine" Roman quickly jumped up from his seat and span round to face the anxious side, causing him to jump rather.

"Anxiety. What happened between you and Logan last night?" Virgil's eyes widened in shock, unprepared for such a direct question. Starting to fell small tremors run up his spine he glanced at Logic then back at Roman.

"That's not for you to be sticking your nose in Princey," Logan's monotone voice said from behind him. "What I'd like to know is the secrets our emo friend has been keeping from us." Anxiety then stood and started to back away from the advancing side, who they had only now noticed had gotten up to get closer to the other.

"Hey" Patton called, "Let's just take it one step at a time ok" Being the closest to his dark strange son he lifted his hand to put it on Anx's shoulder but the boy flinched away his whole body now overcome with violent shaking.

Patton lifted his hand so suddenly. Was he going to hit him? Just as Logan had done so many times before last night? Was it a cruel tone he heard in the dad's voice or something else entirely? He didn't know. He didn't know what was going at all. All he knew that he was in a state of panic and wasn't coming out of it anytime soon.

He couldn't see as of a result from the tears that welled in his eyes. His heart was beating rapidly, his anxiety rising higher and higher. He slumped against the wall in a quivering heap and let out a gut wrenching sob.

"Not again, please not again" he whispered. He thought he heard someone else talking but he didn't know. He didn't know.

Meanwhile Logic was looking on in disgust. Unable to understand emotions all he saw was a feeble man crying to himself on the floor. He didn't feel sorry. Didn't feel any shame or guilt for what he had done.

Morality pulled the boy in or a hug and immediately felt him tense then relax as he realise he wasn't going to come to any more harm. Going into full dad mode he turned to Prince and motioned for him to come and help.

"Hey Anx" he said. "It's ok. Everything's going to be OK"

Virgil's POV

"Hey Anx" someone speaks "It's Ok. Everything's going to be Ok" But it's not is it? How could anything be OK now? But did they call me Anx? What is going on here? I see a hand move towards me, maybe to help, maybe to hurt, wither way I press myself further into the wall, the only response programmed into me.

"Sorry" I hear someone mutter. Sorry? Someone is Sorry? I dare to open my eyes for just a second and see: Prince. Prince crouched on the floor before me, red sash and all.

"Not again?" I question, my voice barely a whisper.

Prince looks at me, and I can see the confusion behind his eyes, but he looks me in the eye and says:

"Not again"

Roman's POV

'What is it he thinks is going to happen' I inwardly sight to myself. Brought back to my senses by a hand on my shoulder I look to see dad, mouthing the words thank you. I smile weakly at him before turning my attention back to Anxiety. I bring forth my hand again, slowly this time as not to startle him, and brush his bangs out his eyes before offering him a hand up. He takes the offer cautiously. And in doing so his sleeves fall down to reveal...

A/N I am aware that there was meant to be 2 chapters out today but I simply ran out of time. My schedule really needs some working on, ha who am I kidding I don't have one. Anyway I hope this is long enough and good enough to make do for the missing one. Have fun with the cliff hanger, you won't expect what's next.

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