Take It

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A/N This chapter is slightly different. All is in 3rd person. I'm sorry it's so short. T/W abuse? panic attack kinda? I dunno, I've wrote worst. Anyways, I hope this shadows a new light.

Flashback 1

   Just another child sitting in a classroom. Another ordinary kid listening to an ordinary teacher with an ordinary class. Except, as much as they may think, nothing here was in the ordinary. Not even the students.

   Not even the small, quiet boy that kept to himself in the back of the classroom. True; he was different to the others but that didn't make him normal. Silently sitting in a secluded corner at break time and never speaking up in lesson, he was unpopular with the other likeful kids. 

   Meaning no one liked him. Not a single person. Until that one day.

   The children had been around 7 when he had arrived. Quite unexpectedly at that. One day he arrived. Just came. Walked into the room as I he had been coming there forever. At first they believed he would be just like the others. If it wasn't for the fact that he was older.

   The date that was remembered most clearly was another lonely recess. The shy boy was sat in a tree by himself when he heard him.

"Excuse me" he proud voice spoke.

"Yes?" he whispered back out of politeness.

"I just thought that you may want some company?" the boy looked down rom his spot to see the new kid. He frowned in confusion for a moment and the other seemed to backtrack.

"It's alright I you want me to leave," he stated questiongly.

"No, no," the boy in the tree fixed quickly though no louder than before. He thought for a second before he shuffled to the side and beckoned for this 'friend' to sit with him.

"I'm Roman by the way," the newbie climbed up beside him.

   The other offered a small smile but did not reply. Instead returning to what he had been doing before. A few minutes passed before his companion spoke again.

"What's that, you've got there?" the kid looked up startled before gingerly holding out an ebony black crows feather. Roman smiled a little at it and tentatively reached out to stroke it.

"Take it," the darker kid offered. Roman studied him for a moment before taking the feather from his hand. Then the bell rang and they were jumping from there place in the tree.

"My names Virgil," the younger said quickly before waling away.

   In class something both fantastic and terrible happened. Virgil spotted it first, his new friends eyes glazed and staring into nowhere. For ages it seemed he stayed like that and just when the boy was about to turn round again he stood abruptly and shouted out:

"I represent Creativity" he looked around excitedly. The teacher glanced up, frowned and led him out the room.

The boy called Roman never returned again.

Flashback 2

   A lanky teen loping ungainly down the compound corridors. Hood of a pitch black hoodie pulled over his head. Partially purple bangs falling across dark brown eyes. Then he was on the floor, three other sides standing above him, large grins on their faces.

"What you doing down there emo?" Spite asked with a chuckle. The boy didn't talk. Behind them the crowd had stopped moving. Some looked on in pity- others in entertainment. The emo kid crawled back, working his way to his feet whilst the audience watched on.

"No getting back up" Jealously growled but before he could be pushed back down the boy had bolted.

   The bullies chased after him, the people in the corridor obnoxiously moving out the way. Finally the victim had to stop. They had reached a dead end. He'd ran into a tech room and now had nowhere to go. But still the boys approached.

   Virgil could feel the panic rising within him. His breath came in ragged gasps and he had to lean against a table or support. And still they approached.

He closed his eyes as the first hit came.

"That's for running,"

 A second punch.

"That's for making a fool of us"

A range of punches, kicks, chokes and grabs.. For being him..

   But he wouldn't take it anymore. He could feel Rage's arms grip tighter around his throat. See his vision go black at the edges. He reached desperately behind him. There! He found what he was looking for. With a growl he stabbed the boy holding him with a screwdriver. He screamed out in surprise and pain.

"I should kill you," Rage roared.

"Fine," Virgil whispered.

"Take my life," He blinked tears away, "Take it,"

A/N Well that's all folks. Until next time I can find inspiration of some sorts.

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