Angelic Whispers

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Where the sun and moon cast their wispy dance

Where heaven and earth embrace in a kiss

The stars gliding among the brushstrokes of the skies

Wings of glass and a soul of light, she flew

Among glistening fields of singing dreams lay

Peace is found the morning star breaking the dusk

Thundering storm shakes her soul, tears breaking the twilight

Crystal drapes her dim eyelids as she soars to deep blue

The wind whispers in her soft, trembling heart

Her wings, white and pure as an angel's, were tattered

She flew unto her knees, near her spirit's wish

He lies still, unmoving, blurred by her surging tears

Her rueful heart shattered, her soft voice fading out

Her love was being taken by the shadows of lost

A temper of her affection built up in her frame

His small body was vanishing into floating sparks

Truth flashed in her eyes, but she covered them

She cried out it was lies, but the sun rose above

An angel cried for the fond child as he floated towards the gates

A stronger light flowed her vision and forced her eyes open

Warmth kissed her cheeks and her heart began to beat again

Another angel's tenderness prodded her mind

Arising stimulated, her tears like lucid ice falling

Outstretching her arms, her wings spread in the cool breeze

Her tears were not wasted as she and the other rushed

She caught a light, hearing the child's soul sing

An angel, for she had watched him from Heaven above

She guided his wisp to the gates with the auxiliary angel

Her orbs and hearing clear once more, the tears of an angel passed

Her first duty done, a song forming in her beating heart

Her thoughts were lost in the tsunami of music as she soared

Notes, words, choirs, symphonies could not compare to her elation

She could feel her heart and soul's balled overthrow logic

Rain, lightning, sadness, she could break through them

With a smile and her racing nature as bold as an angel's wings

Chains of gloom, doubt fell to her feet. Her Father had made her perfect

Below, another human waited for her without knowing

The boy was in his Father's arms, safe and joyful

His story was over on earth, but continuing in Heaven

She gazed down with a stronger benevolence

One more story was waiting for her to guide

Now, she would be louder as the stars etched her name above

Dawn with brushed hues awakened the vast Earth

The rhythm arose her wings and cascading she went, wings able and heart open.

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