Preferences - Vision & Pietro catch up

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Vision: You were an agent for another private agency that definitely was not SHIELD. In fact, your agency didn't particularly like Fury all that much, so you didn't work with many agents from there. You were being sent to Sokovia to take watch and somewhat help out with the refugees during the battle. Your aircraft lands in the middle of the forest as you take a motorcycle from the back and climb on. You rev it and then drive off as fast as you can. You enter the city to find it in ruins already. People screaming and yelling and you can hear more buildings falling down.

You rush over to the nearest set of people and rush them to a larger group of people, who looked like they were being led to a SHIELD carrier. You turn around only to find one of Ultron's clones or robot things standing just about 10 feet/meters away from you. The thing holds its arm up as if it is ready to shoot you with its red laser. 

You prepare to get hit as you hid some civilians behind your back, the ones who came to you for safety and you couldn't get them to the group in time. If they moved, the bot would have a new target. You aren't going to risk it. The laser loads up and gets brighter by the second and shoots out of the robot's hand. You close your eyes as you wait for the final blow, but it never hits you. Instead, you see a tall, red, man infant of you waring a cape that's blowing in the wind. He shoots a gold laser out of his forehead and hits the bot and knocks it down. You tell the people to run to the line of other people as you turn to look at the man who saved you.

"I don't know why you just did that, but thank you." you say with a smile, regardless of the battle going on around you.

"It is no problem at all, Y/n" The man says with a very calming, monotoned voice.

"How do you know who I am?" you say, concerned.

"I just ran a facial recognition scan and it came up with Y/n Y/l/n. Am I correct or no?"

"You are. and who are you?"

"I am Vision. I must get going now, goodbye Y/n" He says as he flies off to go back and fight some more.

Pietro: You were an Olympic track athlete, the best in the world. You had gone to 2 olympics so far and won gold in every race you had entered, which was basically all of them.

You were in your home town, New York, practicing your sprints when all of a sudden you feel a gust of air right next to you and a weird blue streak. You look around for a minute until you decided to just drop it and go back to running. You go through your regular routines a few more times before you feel the same gust of air and see the same blue streak right next to you.

"Okay what in the actual fuck is happening?" you say loudly, hoping that someone would answer you.

You see the streak fly right in front of you and stop. When the streak stops you see a man standing there. He had silver hair and a nice build while wearing a very tight set of pants and a tight grey/blue shirt.

"Okay what is going on?" You say as you back away from the man.

"My name is Pietro. I heard that you are the fastest, no?" He says with a thick accent.

"Yes, I am." You say proudly.

"Well you're not. I am."

"Excuse me?"

"I am the fastest."

"Race me then, 100 preferably." you say knowing that was your best race.

"Okay." He says calmly as he lines up to race you. "If I win, I take you out on a date."

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