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"It was said that long ago before mankind existed, other mysterious creatures lived. They were as beautiful and as mystical as the sun with wings like that of birds, humanoid bodies and long shimmering hair. But as time came to pass, those mysterious creatures dwindled and those who remained were worshipped as gods," an elderly man said. He was telling the story of angels or tengus, winged-like people with extraordinary abilities. I listened to his story with fascination as my little arms wrapped around my legs. I didn't care if my long frilly pink dress got wrinkled or the fact that I was sitting on the cold marble floor. Later my mother would scold me for not acting like a lady.

But this story was all that mattered. It was an escape from reality.

"Do you want me to continue Airi-chan?"

I nodded my head eagerly. My dark eyes were shining. "Yes, please!"

The old man laughed while his head moved side-to side. "I wish kids were still eager as you to learn about their history."

"You mean myths," a feminine voice interjected. My mood instantly deflated. "And seriously, Airi. Why are you sitting on the floor?"

I turned to look at the beautiful raven-haired woman with her hands on her hips. Even with a serious expression on her face, she had a youthful appearance.

"Momma," I whined. I put my hands together, my fingers intertwining. I gave her my best pout. "Please let Daiyo-sama finish the story."

"No," my mother said. "Childish stories will you get you nowhere."


"No nothing," she interrupted me.

My shoulders hunched over in defeat.

"Now off the floor."

I did as I was instructed.

"Look at your dress, Airi. You wrinkled it." She came to me and fussed about me being a tomboy. I didn't care about pretty dresses and fancy shoes. I never saw the big deal in learning how to paint, sing, dance, draw and to sew. The only great part of my education was learning the supposed history of the world and the different languages from other cities.

"I'm okay, momma. He's still going to like me."

She held me by my shoulders while she put her face in front of mine

"This boy and his family are very important people. They come from an influential background and if everything goes well..."

"He will marry me when I grow up and we will both be saving our families," I finished for her.

My mother paused. She eyed me speculatively before slightly shaking her head. "You know what this union can provide for us, then act your part. Be a loving daughter and take better care of your appearance."

Instead of annoying her further, I simply nodded my head.

My mother stood up right. "Now let me check on the dinner preparations and everything else." She hurriedly walked out of the room.

I looked to the elderly man. "I took your advice with agreeing." He always said it was better to agree than disagree. It was his method to avoid trouble.

"Good. Do you want me to finish the story?"

"Yeah!" I said and then realized I was too loud. I covered my mouth all while trying not to giggle.

"Okay, so I was up the ancient civilization praying for a savior."


"Oh. Well, I know where I left off." So he went on with his story. "Humanity flourished with science and technology. War broke out, destroying everything in it's path. One ancient civilization, the one that still worshipped the winged creatures as divine beings, prayed for a savior and it came in form of a little girl."

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