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Everyone's (pov)

"Aaah, so nice and warm out." Noivern said to himself

The rest pokemon checked on Noivern

"Hey Noivern." Sylveon said

"Hey there Syl, anything that i can do for you guys?" Noivern said

"Oh nothing, we just wanted to check up on you." Braixen said

The pokemon layed on the grass with Noivern

"We're glad to have you as a friend Noivern." Pikachu said

"Thanks bro." Noivern said

"Hey guys, eating time!" Ash called out

"FOOD!!!!" The pokemon screamed in joy

They rushes back to the picnic


"Man! What a feast!" Goodra said

"I know." Greninja said

"Well, im gonna walk in the forest." Noivern said

"Ok Noivern." Ash said

Noivern left for the forest


"Man, i have such great friends and a good caring trainer! Can this day get any better?!" Noivern asked himself in joy

"HELP!" Someone cried for help

"HUH?! HANG ON IM COMING!" Noivern said out loud

He took to the skies

"Now where are you?" Noivern asked himself

Noivern sees an Rypherior and a Seviper sexually assaulting a Florges

"Come on Baby show us that ass~" the Rypherior said

"I DON'T WANNA!" She said

The Seviper coiled up around her

"Mmmmmmm~ your body feels good~" The Seviper said

" me......" The Florges tried to call out for help

"Those filthy perverts! *dives down*" Noivern said as he dived down

"STOP!" Noivern ordered them

"Look Seviper! We gotta kid who wants be a hero." Rypherior said

"Teach him a lesson." Seviper told him

"Sure thing." Rypherior said as he was about to punch Noivern

"Fine then!" Noivern yelled at them

Noivern used crunch on the Rypherior then he used gust

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" The Rypherior screamed in pain as he got blown away

"Your next." Noivern told the Seviper

"Ah! Ok ok fine you win!" Seviper said as he let go if Florges and ran away like a coward

"Thank you!" Florges thanked Noivern

"Oh it was nothing miss i.........wait do i know you?" Noivern asked her

"Wow i was gonna ask you the same thing." Florges said

They looked at each other for a good minute


They both teared up and hugged each other

"It's been so long!" Noivern said

"It sure has." Florges said

"My my, your so muscular~" Florges flirted

"And you look damn gorgeous~" Noivern flirted back

"NOIVERN!" Ash called out

"That's Ash! Florges come with me!" Noivern said

"Why?!" She asked

"Because........i can't let go of the 1 i love......not again." Noivern said

"OH NOIVERN!" Florges said as she hugged him

"Come on, lets go!" Noivern said as he brung Florges with him

Our young dragon has found his true love once again! Young love i say, and comes the action, what will happen next? Find out on the next chapter of Noivern, The God Of Sound!

Noivern, The God Of SoundOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant