A Talk With Our God

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Everyone's (pov)

In Noivern's dream

"Where am i?" He asked himself

"Noivern my child....." Someone was reaching out to him

"WHO'S THERE?!" Noivern said as got into battle stance

"Calm down, it is *shows himself* it is, Arceus." Arceus said as he appeared

"YOUR GREATNESS?! *bows*" Noivern was somewhat anxious in Arceus's appearence

"If i may ask, did i do something wrong?" Noivern asked

"No.....but 1 thing that you must know......you have a destiny." Arceus tol him

"A destiny?" Noivern was confused

Then background suddenly changed

They were in paradise (heaven)

"Paradise?!" Noivern was happy and confused

Then all the legendaries and mythics appeared except for Darkrai and Giratina

"Where's Giratina and Darkrai?" Noivern asked

"IS THIS KID FUCKING RETARDED?! THEIR IN HELL YOU DUMBASS! *gets smacked by Reshiram* OW!" Zekrom said

"Show some respect to the chosen 1!" Reshiram said

"Chosen 1?" Noivern was to the point where his head was gonna explode from confusion

"Alright alright settle down everyone!" Arceus told all the legendaries

"You okay Yveltal?" Zygarde asked

"I can't touch anything😭😭😭!" Yveltal said as he cried

"It's ok Yveltal, nobodies perfect." Xerneas said

"AHEM!" Ho-Ho got everyones attention

"So this.....Noivern, how are you certain he is the chosen 1?" Ho-Ho asked Arceus

"I saw one of his moves punch through the shield of Ymir." Arceus said

"THE SHIELD OF YMIR?!" Everyone said

"No one has ever punched through that shield." Victini said

"I knew he could." Jirachi said

"But there's no way!" Celebi said

"SILENCE!!!!" Arceus told everyone

They went silent

"Noivern, i brung you here today because you are destined to be a savior, a god!" Arceus told him

"A GOD?!" Noivern said as he fell on his ass

"Yes, A GOD!" Arceus said in an enthusiastic way

"Oh dear hes gone off the chain again." Dialga said

"Yo pops! Slow yo roll, remember you said that you bless him with 1 of our powers." Palkia reminded Arceus

"Oh yes!" Arceus said

"WAIT!" Noivern said

"I want MY OWN power!" Noivern told the legendaries

"I don't deserve to have power that i have not earn yet!" Noivern said

"I want power that I will earn!" Noivern said

"I always knew he had such a courageous heart." Keldeo said

"Very well." Arceus said

"Pick your opponent." Arceus said

"What....." Noivern was confused

"Pick 1 person out of all of us." Arceus told him

Noivern was very cautious of his choosing

But he had a VERY daring heart

"I CHOOSE TO FIGHT YOU MY LORD! ONLY YOU CAN HELP ME OBTAIN MY TRUE POWER!!!!" Noivern yelled at Arceus from the top his lungs

The room was silent

"Very well.......COME AT ME!!!" Arceus commanded him

Noivern charged at Arceus

He headbutted him, but he didn't even FLINCH!

"Come on, you can do alot more better than that!" Arceus told him

"I can do this....." Noivern told himself

What do you think? Yeah i know, it was a pretty short chapter. But i just can't wait to see them fight! Will Noivern win? Or will he die trying? Find out on the next chapter of Noivern, the god of sound

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