Team Reaper

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Everyone's (pov)

"NOIVERN!" Florges cried out his name

The others rushed to his bed

It's ok ladies and gentlemen, he's not in a hospital

"Are you ok?" Ash asked him

"Im fine." He said

"Bro, you were like in stasis or somethin'." Pikachu said

"I was?" Noivern said

Everyone nodded

"Oh, well i got something REALLY important to tell you all." Noivern said

5 minutes later.........

"Oh no...." Greninja said in disbelief

"Im afraid it's all true." Noivern said sadly

"So your a god now huh?" Serena asked

"Indeed i am." Noivern said

"That's great and all, but maybe we should protect the city and the museum." Clemont said

That's my nerd!

"Clemont's right, we can't let these guys grab more relics, they already got the katana of the seven rifts." Ash said

"It's broad day light, they'll probably strike tonight." Serena said

"In that case, we wait until tonight!" Braixen suggested

"For once, Braixen said something smart." Pancham said

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Braixen yelled at Pancham

"NOTHING!" Pancham said as he panicked

Timeskip: Night time

Noivern was watching from the balcony

"NOIVERN!!!!" A familiar voice called out to him

"Who's there?!" Noivern asked as he got into battle stance

Then Noivern gets a face hugged by something

He tried prying what ever was on his face

Then he finally manages to get whatever was on his face, off.

Then he saw Victini

"HELLO!!!" Victini said

"Victini?!" Noivern said

"Yeah! Don't tell me you forgot that me and Jirachi are helping you out?!" Victini said as she began scolding at him

"IM HERE! YOU NEED TO SLOW DOWN!!!" Jirachi told Victini

"Sorry, i just couldn't wait to this handsome dragon again~" Victini said lustfully

Noivern blushes

"Like i already said, he has a mate." Jirachi reminded her

"I know that!" Victini yelled at him

An explosion was heard

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Noivern wondered

Ash comes by

"NOIVERN! IT'S THEM!" Ash said

"Ok! Let's do this!" Noivern said

"YIPEE!!!" Victini screamed in excitement

Timeskip: Museum

"Alright we got the spear! Now lets-" 1 of the goons was cut off

"Hey bastards!" Noivern insulted them

"It's that damn Noivern again!" 1 of the goons said

"Who the hell are you guys?!" Pikachu demanded to know

"We're Team Reaper!" 1 of the goons said

"Give the spear of Dialga back!" Clemont demanded

"Nah!" A Team Reaper grunt said

The grunt with the spear of Dialga rushed at serena

"SERENA!!!' Ash cried out

As soon reached her......he failed to kill her

Someone or something took the spear for Serena

It was a bipedal fox with the colors of yellow and red orange and she had a stick on her tail

It was Braixen......she took the spear for her trainer

"Braixen!" Greninja cried out

"*coughs out blood* Bastard...." Braixen insulted the grunt

The grunt was terrorified by her glare and he let go of the spear

Braixen put her paw on the spear and pulled it out

She grunted in pain when it came out

But she was ok overall......sorta

She grabbed her stick and lit up the tip of it

Then she started using the flame to cauterize the wound

"Hehehe, is that all you got?" Braixen taunted them

"Not at all." The Team Reaper captain said

He pulled out a sledgehammer

"The Sledgehammer Of Might!" Clemont stated it's name

"This piece of work can bust through anything! *rushes towards Braixen* EVEN YOUR WEAKASS BONES!!!" The Captain said

Noivern then used Dragon pulse on the captain

"DAAAAH!!!! *falls to the ground*" The Captain screamed in pain

Victini used Flamethrower on the captain

"DAAAAH!!!!" The Captain screamed in pain once again

Noivern then grabbed the captain

"You will spill everything about your plans with these relics, we will hand you over to the police and you will confess your crimes." Noivern said


"Team flare tried that, no luck with those weakasses." Greninja said

"That's where your wrong frog boy." The captain said

"We're using these relics to not only take over Kalos, we're using them to kill every pokemon in this damn region." The captain said

Everything was shocked to hear this

"Who's your leader?!" Noivern demanded to know

"This may sound weird to you but........he's a Noivern just like you." The Captain told him

A pokemon is leading the conquest of Kalos?! And why does he want to obliterate his own kind? Find out on the next chapter of Noivern, The God Of Sound!

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