12 - Wait For It...

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I love you all too much. I'm not even kidding. I started writing this chapter after 2am with church the next morning. And now it's just after midnight on (technically) the day after my graduation and two days after prom, so I'm completely exhausted. And I am going to try to update tonight or tomorrow, but I make no promises.
I have started feeling the need to update this story more frequently because I need to get my ideas out. Ugh.
ANYWAYS, you should like, vote and comment and maybe even fan if you like this story. Yep.

P.S. This story is at over 3,000 reads and it makes me very happy. (:
*Liam's POV*
"We're moving back to Wolverhampton? You're kidding me, right?" My mind is racing, going through all of the things that my parents have said.
"No, Liam. We don't have much choice, plus we wanted you to be close when you go into the music program at the University of Wolverhampton next school year," my mum explains.
I can't believe this. I get so angry, I storm out the family room and up to my bedroom. On my way up I grab the cordless phone because I know I need someone to talk to right now.
Once I'm in my room, I dial the number of the one person I want to talk to right now. The phone rings twice before anyone picks up.
I breathe deeply before saying anything. "Hi is Niall there? If he asks, it's Liam."
"Uh, yeah, just a moment."
I hear some shuffling and muffled speech before the voice of my favourite Irishman comes through my receiver. "Liam?"
"I'm moving back to Wolverhampton. We're leaving the last weekend of January and I didn't know until just a few minutes ago. That's why I was forced to come home so suddenly," I say before he can say anything else.
"Hello to you, too," he replies.
"Sorry, I just thought you ought to know," I mumble.
There's silence for a minute or two before he responds. "So what you're saying is that you only have a few weeks left in Mullingar, am I right?"
I start to nod before I realize he can't see me, so I reply with a simple, "Yes."
"That settles it then! We need to hang out more before you leave," he states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
I think a few tears might have just trickled down my cheek, but I'm trying to ignore them. "Of course," I whisper, unable to make my voice any louder at the moment. In all honesty, I'm upset enough that I'm worried my voice will crack.


*Sara's POV*

I'm at Charlie's house and, just like we always do when we have sleepovers, we're talking about boys. "I still don't think you should break up with him just yet," Charlie tells me.

I can't help but laugh. "We've been over this; I can't keep Niall back from being with someone he cares about more. I don't want to be the reason for their unhappiness, okay?" It's upsetting, but my best friend is being very insistent about me staying together with Niall, which is ridiculous because she didn't want me to date him in the first place.

"Look, I know that your boyfriend and I have had our differences in the past, but I don't think you should just dump him without him thinking there's a good reason," she admits.

"Ha! So you did know him before. What happened there?" I inquire.

"Fine. If you must know, we were friends when we were little, but then he stole my cookie and never apologized."

I burst out laughing at my friend because I don't doubt her story at all; I know she and Niall both have an outrageous love of food and hate when people take their stuff. "Wow. You truly are insane, you know that? Now if you don't mind, I want to watch chick flicks and eat ice cream like all of the stereotypical girls our age."

I stand up and walk to her freezer while she picks out a movie. "We're watching Finding Nemo, Bear!" Charlie calls out.

Once again I find myself laughing at my best friend. Ever since we became friends we've called each other Charlie and Bear (because Charlie is short for Charlotte and because my old nickname was Sara Bear). "Is there any chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in here?" I ask.

Is It So Wrong? ~ A COMPLETED One Direction Fanfiction ~ EDITINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ