19 - Good Enough

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**A/N**: To those of you who have been complaining about there being very little Niam, you will appreciate what this chapter is building up to and somewhat entails. Also, I've kept everything as accurate as possible, but you have no idea how difficult it is to hear some of the words in the videos.

Anyways, I love all the feedback, but try to remember that I can't always update right away. There is literally no point in telling me to update faster because I write as much as can in the time I have and I update almost every day (except that two week hiatus where I was working and had softball and was constantly busy, which meant I had almost no time at all to write). At least I update more often than the super popular 1D fanfiction writers who generally update once every 2-3 weeks OR update every day for a week or two and then suddenly stop for a month and a half. Yeah.

Now then, off of the serious topic and onto a more laid back one: comment/vote/fan/message if you like it because I love hearing what you have to say. Heck, talk to me about things other than my story, too; I just love talking.

I didn't at all enjoy writing most of this chapter because it took the most effort, but I think you should at least appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it! NOW GO READ AND I'LL SHUT UP.


P.S. Dedicated to Sodalith because she started making guesses about the future of this story first.

P.P.S. Liam's X Factor audition is to the side (or in the info for you iPod/phone users). I'll be attaching Niall's audition to chapter 18 because I have a different one to use for chapter 20!


*Liam's POV*

(June 1, 2010 cont'd)

I figured out why the name 'Lily' was sounding so familiar earlier even though I don't know anyone with that name; 'Lily' sounds similar to 'LiLi', the nickname Niall gave me on Hallowe'en. Based on what they both said to me today, Niall told Sara about 'Lily' near the beginning of November. Sara has known about 'Lily' for most of seven months whereas Niall never told me about her, not even when I asked him earlier. Why doesn't this add up in my head? Who the heck is 'Lily'?

I've been pondering all of this since the beginning of my Skype call with Niall earlier. I guess it's because of my feelings for him, but the fact that Niall has been avoiding telling me the truth is hurting me more than he knows. Especially considering it involves a girl that he apparently has fallen for. Why can't he see how much I love him? Why do I keep torturing myself by not telling him?

I just wish I could express all of these feelings I have, but I don't know how to tell him. I mean, it's not as if I can just call him on Skype and say, “Hey, you know how I kept questioning you about 'Lily'? Yeah, I'm secretly jealous of her and hurt that you didn't entrust me with that information. Oh, you want to know why I feel that way? It's because I'm also secretly in love with you. Betcha didn't see that one coming.” I hate my life.

To get my mind off of things, I'm going to go ahead and pack for my trip to Birmingham. I'm only going there for the auditions, which are only on the 13th and 14th, so I have enough clothes to pack for it now and still have enough to wear until then. I'm halfway through packing when I hear a voice calling me from downstairs.

“LIAM, COULD YOU COME HERE?” my mother's voice calls.

I jump up from where I had been sitting on my bed to fold clothes. I take the steps two at a time and hop over the last few to land in our foyer. “Did you need something?” I ask her as I walk into the kitchen.

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