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The bus pulled up to the school, and Miranda and I got off last. Everyone kept walking towards the school unwillingly, but who could blame them? Not me. Miranda kept silent as we walked past the popular gang, which Jessie was part of. I watched her as she lit her cigarette, and helped other light their's as well. Miranda didn't seem to notice that Jessie was smoking, whenever we walk past that kind of people, Miranda just examines the concrete on the sidewalk. She looked up when she sensed it was safe, which was when we had to walk up stairs in order to get into the school.

"Ready for another day of school?" I groaned.
Miranda shook her head and cringed at the question. I couldn't agree more with her. As far as schools go, this one isn't the greatest, student wise, along with the crappy authorities. I walked with Miranda, and I opened my locker as fast as I could. I winced as my arm hit the locker door, making the pain even worse. The fresh pain went away after a minute, so only the regular pain was left. I walked down the hall with Miranda to first period. Miranda sat at the other side of the room, and I have to sit beside some homophobic douchebag. I sat down in my desk, and the guy beside me didn't even look at me, but he did speak.

"I would make a move on you, but-" he started, but I shot him a dirty look and he locked his mouth right up. I know he heard about that guy I punched yesterday. News about drama spreads like a wildfire in this school. I guess it's better then being at home with my abusive father and my bystander mother. I got all my English books out, and my pencil case. I opened the book to today's date.

"Pop quiz!" The teacher announced, and groans filled the room.

The teacher pursed her lips, and gave everyone a piece of white paper.

"How do you think you'll do lezzie?" The boy beside me asked in a rude manner.

I glared at him again, but this time he kept staring at me, so I turned away from him and just focused on my quiz. I carefully printed "Aura James" in the top left corner of my paper, and printed the date underneath.


The teacher collected our tests, and the boy beside me called his friends over as we left the classroom. I walked outside the class with Miranda, who had an extremely sympathetic look on her face.

"I saw the way that guy was treating you. So not cool." Miranda said.

"I'm used to it." I rolled my eyes as I replied to her statement. I got a few  dirty looks from some sporty guys, but other then that the walk to math was actually somewhat okay. I liked math okay. I sat down in my desk, and the teacher was at his desk planning for the lesson today I suppose. I opened up my math notebook, and wrote down the title of the topic on the board; "Geometry". Luckily I sit by myself in this class and away from everyone else. I twirled my black hair around my finger as I watched the rest of the students walk into class and talked each other's ears off.


After math class, I headed down to the cafeteria with Miranda.

Ripped Jeans (completed) [#wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now