"If you were a flower, what flower would you be?

If you were a colour, what colour would you be?

If you were an idea, what idea would you be?"

"huh... I guess ive never thought about this?

I suppose id be a rose,

Generic, basic.
Sharp enough to hurt but,
beautiful enough for the pain to be worth it.

A colour...

I think id be green,

Generic, basic.
Always seen,
Taken for granted unless you're like me.

An idea?

Id be a bad one...

You know the ideas that seem so good,
so unreal that you dont think of the possibility that they are the worse thing you could possibly do?

That is, until its done.

Id be your bad idea,
The one that gets you into trouble before you know it,
The one that leads to the worst parts of your mind and keeps you there for a while."

"but surely thats the best kind of idea,

The kind of idea that gets you really thinking,

Reminds you of what you could've lost,

What you have,

What you had before but never saw?

Even if everything faces away,

Even if you, the 'bad idea' fades,

Surely there is good behind it,

You help us see what we couldnt before.

You hand us a mirror,

Not to see how we look,

But how we feel.

Not to see our faces,

But to see our souls."

"you're the best kind of a bad idea"

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