Chapter 3 - The MacGrath Mansion

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Katherine was the first to move. From spinning vision and screams to darkness and silence, groans started stirring in the tilted vehicle when Katherine pushed her weight off the seat in front of her. Her torso dangled slightly without the touch of gravity, Katherine reached to loosen the seat belt that locked her chest tight in place. The smell of burning metal started to fill the air.

Derek, who flew back onto his seat during the crash held the back of his head, he leaned forward with weariness. He eyes opened to Vanessa and immediately lunged forward.

"You okay, babe?" he placed a hand firmly on her arm, his eyes filled with concern. Vanessa slowly but surely touched the spot on her forehead where it slammed into the window, her body was still in the same position from the hours of car ride. Josh opened the door and walked around the back of his car to the path that led into the ditch, he held a hand to his chest.

"Yeah...just fucking fantastic," Vanessa said bitterly and watched Josh clumsily climbing out of the steeper parts of the ditch from the crooked side view mirror.

"Is anyone hurt?" Katherine watched her friends that recovered to movement again. Naomi sat further back into her seat, struggled to keep her weight from levitating away.

"No, but my freakin' collarbone's crushed," Naomi said almost weakly, she rubbed her throat and collarbone, she squeezed her eyes shut when her fingers pressed too hard.

"FUCK!" A voice that came from above the ditch shouted in frustration. With the door sealed with the walls of dirt on her side, Vanessa climbed to the drivers' seat and kicked the opposite door further into the soil for her exit. Her feet landed on the hood of the car with a loud thump and she swiftly climbed higher to where Josh is.

"You have gotta be kidding me."

The cramped family car dove face down into the earth, where it left harsh tire marks behind that led into the deep ditch. Its bulky trunk that held their luggages cozily stuck out from the trap that they fell in—struggling to remain above ground.

Derek shifted himself onto the car compartment in-between the two passenger's seats and angled his clunky brown boots at the windshield that was crawled with white cracks. With a stomp, the windshield shattered everywhere. He cleared the shards from his way and climbed out.

"Jesus..." Naomi peeked from behind the passenger seat when the shattering was over. She watched Derek who made his way out.

"What do you think you are doing?" Josh, who had his hands behind his head, now held a hand towards Derek. Derek looked up to Josh.

"It's shattered anyways alright, Joshua? Chill out—I couldn't fit through that tiny little crack." Derek twisted his arm briefly to see where he cut himself from one of the shards, a thin line of blood started seeping out. Josh exhaled and rubbed his hands roughly over his face.

"Yeah I damn well know it is, can you help the girls out the car, please asshole? Don't just stand there."

And with a frown, Derek turned back to Katherine and Naomi who struggled to make their way through.

"Oh my god, what are we gonna do now?" Vanessa had a hand on her slim waist, while the other stood on her forehead. She stared at what left Josh distressed. "How are we gonna fucking get back to town?"

Josh's eyes changed into disbelief and slowly, anger.

"How are we gonna get back? I think we should worry about my fucking car here, Nessa," he slowly faced Vanessa. "How in the world am I gonna explain this to my dad? How are you gonna pay for this goddamn mess for him? Huh?!" Josh yelled, his finger aimed at the car and the girl beside him.

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