Chapter 2: "Good Morning."

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Pov: Tom

I woke up in a dark room. I looked around, I didn't see anything but a small dim light 4 feet away from me. My mouth was taped shut, I didn't really remember what had happened last night. I struggled in the ropes, trying to wriggle myself free. Something or someone noticed my actions and made a sound that sounded like chuckling, suddenly the lights turned on. That is when I met face to face with my worst enemy who I assumed was dead, Tord. My eyes widened, I growled lowly like a dog would when seeing another dog walk by. Tord just smirked and took his cigar from his mouth, he lifted my chin up so I would look up at him. Suddenly he blew smoke in my face, I held my breath so I wouldn't inhale it. "It's good to see that you're awake Thomas..~" he purred with his thick Norwegian accent, I just glared at the Norwegian communist. He just kept his stupid smirk on his stupid face. I tried to say "fuck you commie." But my mouth was still taped shut so it was muffled so instead i just growled lowly. But I had to admit.. I did have a crush on tord for the longest time.. Ever since preschool.. I let my eyes go half lidded as I lowered my head and stared at my feet. Tord took notice of this and tilted his head before kneeling down to my height since I was sitting down, thats until I felt a small and warm hand on my face. Tord lifted my face up to look at him, be stared into my voids for eyes. He gently tore the tape from myblips causing me to wince slightly

"Are you alright Thomas?" He asked gently, i was shocked. Why would the commie care about me? Did he like me too? No no we're enemies..he hates me..
I only nodded, attempting to fight against my feelings. But somehow he could tell that i was lying.

"Thomas I know we hate each other but I can tell that you're lying, I've lived with you long enough to when you're lying or not." He stated. I sighed and gave up trying to hide anything. "No..." I responded while my face turned dark red. I didnt want to tell him what was wrong, and my expression said it all. He took note of this and nodded gently before kissing my forehead, my face turned dark red as he did so.

"Okay.. You don't need to tell me if you dont want to tommy.." He spoke gently, my fave still burned dark red. Tord stood up quietly and walked behind the chair before untying the ropes, I rubbed my arms after they had ropes squeezing them to death.

"Come on" he said while walking back over in front of me and lending out a hand. "I'll take you to your room. All your stuff is alrrady in there." He told me as I gripped onto his hand, still blushing.

Does he like me too?

Boss (A future TomTord story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora