Where'd He Go?!? #Leapone

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The morning was bright and the sky clear. The sun shines through the blinds of the room hitting Christian square in her face. The brunette stirred a bit and felt something warm next to her and being single didn't make matter any better. The girl turned around looking at the person next to her and freaked out.

Who the heck is this guy?!? She thought as she looked at the man. He had broad shoulders with tan skin. His hair jet black and messy at the moment. Christian's first instinct was to scream but she didn't. She tried getting up but couldn't because the man had wrapped his arms around her waist while nuzzling her.

This isn't my room. This isn't my bed either and that's sure not my man. The brunette started to try and remember what exactly happened as she brought the sheets up to her shoulder. When she did that she saw a wedding band on her ring finger causing her to panic even more.

I'm not married at least I think I'm not married. Crap! Calm down don't wake the complete stranger next to you. Wait what's my name? 

Christian was completely lost in her thoughts trying to find out her name and what she was doing as she laid there in a stranger's strong arms. It seemed as if she had forgotten about time traveling due to amnesia and there were a few gaps in her memory.

She then tried again to get out of bed and sighed in relief whenever she was able to do so. She then looked at herself with a smile seeing that she was still the same person or that's what she thought. Yeah she remembers what she looks like but not her name. Which wasn't much help.

She looked at the man who was now awake as she stood there. The man got up and stood about 5'8 which was taller than her since she stood 5'5. He then walked over to her pulling her into a tender kiss with a smile.

" Good morning beautiful." He spoke softly as he broke the kiss. " How'd you sleep last night?" " Uhhhhh good I slept good." Christian faked a smile to hide her confused state.

" That's good......" The man gave a charming smile as he looked into Christian's eyes with his emerald green ones. His soft hands rubbed her back to comfort since he noticed her uncomfortable state. " So Martha what do you want to do today?" He asked soothingly as he pulled away from her to put on a shirt his back covered in scars and there was a American flag tattooed to the back of his neck.

" I'd like to take a shower first." Christian said as calm as possible. The man nodded and asked " You want me to start your water?" " Yes please......" Christian said as she observed her surroundings it seemed to be a one room apartment. She walked over to a window looking back at the man who was combing his hair back.

" I gotta go to the store right quick your water is running." He said as he put a navy blue fedora on and smiled walking out the door after putting on a brown trench coat. Christian waited for him to leave and then freaked out face palming her freckled face multiple times. Then out of no where a hologram popped up.

" WHAT ON EARTH?!?" Christian yelled in fright looking at a ginger female as she fell off the bed. " What is it Chris miss me that much?" The hologram asked " Who are you? Who am I? Who's he? Where am I?" Christian bombarded the female with questions.

" Woah woah woah one question at a time sweet toots." The hologram rolled her eyes as she walked over to the startled girl. " I'm Allison or to you Al or Allie your Christian Helms but I call you Chris and you're in Chicago and he's woooo! That huba huba chunk is Thomas Wiggins."

Al said as she dialed a few things in a colorful device. " So why did he call me Martha?" Christian asked as she got back on the bed still a bit shook. " That's your name in this leap Martha Wiggins married to Tommy boy for a year after today ."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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