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After hours, we finally arrived in the new house. It was a square house with lots of windows. I entered it and it  was beautiful than my other house i went and chose my room. My room had white wall paper( it was a boring color)  and it was empty. I told my dad to give me money so i could by furniture.

I went to the store and i was excited to buy new stuff.( By the was we left all our furniture at our old house) I went to the wallpapers and I chose purple. I bought the most comfiest bean bag chair and a lava lamp. Also a beautiful bed side table. I ran to get a carpet floor when i bumped into  and and both of us fell. He was  a boy with black hair and blue eyes. He said,"Hey sorry i was spacing out."
(From now on the talking will be like this)
Boy: By the way my name is Jeffrey. Are you ok btw.
Ella: Umm hi my name is ella sorry i was just going away and yeah im fine
Jeffrey: wait i haven't seen you around here where do you live.
Ella : i just moved here and i don't think i won't tell you where i live.
Jeffrey: Im sorry i guess you right how foolish of me of asking. In his head wow shes kinda cute.
Ella: ok bye i guess ill see you around bye
Jeffrey: Bye

I went and chose my purple rug paid and went home.

Authors message:
In the next chapter Ella will go to school and find someone familiar. See you guys bye.😊

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