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I couldn't believe what I was reading. I really thought me and Angel had something, she's stubborn but she actually doesn't care about me. I should have seen it coming but it still feels like she has gone and stabbed me in the heart. She's messaging me and I can't bare to read them, it's probably her apologising and admitting she never cared. Or maybe she'll come up with lots of excuses to make me feel better. Whatever she has to say, I don't care.

She's just told me she's glad that she met me but I don't believe it one bit, and I tell her that. I've had enough of the drama today, I mute her notifications so I can't see her messages anymore. I need to take my mind off of her. I need a distraction, I don't care who or what I just want to forget how she's hurt me.

I pull up snapchat on my phone and think about who I can text to come see me and cheer me up, or just take my mind off of her. I decide to message Millie. She's been all up in my grill the past week, it's irritating as fuck but I know she'll come over and won't ask any questions.

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