Corn flakes

26 0 0

Your world turned upside down when you met Aspen, you realised that not only is she a b*tch but she knows some really cute boys; 5 to be exact. You were with her at her house when a blonde boy came in, "Corbyn in the houssssee!" You blushed as he sat next to you on the couch. "Hi, I'm Corbyn with a Y" "Well hello... "

An hour later

"I know this is weird but can I get your number, Y/N?" You gave him your phone and he entered his number, you made his contact name. "Corbin witha why"

3 days later

You check your phone notifications and you see a post from Corbyn.

 Isn't she beautiful? @ChristinaMarie

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Isn't she beautiful? @ChristinaMarie

Well you couldn't argue with him.

To be continued

Why don't we ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt