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Minho enters the library and see's the girl whom he was searching for all day
Li Chen.

He approaches Li Chen with a smile plastered in his face, "There you are Chen! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Chen looks up from her book and smiles at Minho.

"I told you during lunch that I will be here for my off periods." Chen said with a sweet smile

Minho pulls up a chair and sits next to Li Chen, admiring her beauty, "Stop looking at me..." Chen blushes

"You are just so beautiful, I can't handle it, I swear that I will never share you with the guys..." Chen lightly slaps Minho's arm

"Anyways, what are you writing on that notebook of yours?"

Chen hesitantly puts her pencil down, "well you see, you know the new freshman transfers?"

Minho nodded a yes in response,"Well Chanyeol and Baekhyun recently caught my attention by the way they act with each other, its really adorable, and kinda hot..." I lowered my voice as I continued.

Minho looked at Chen, shocked by what he has just heard come from her mouth, "W-Wait, come again?"

"I find it hot when Chanyeol playfully plays with Baekhyun, so I am writing all sorts of fanfictions to represent their love and my dream for my ship to sail!" Chen said enthusiastically.

Minho, at a loss for words, just stares at Li Chen confused. He was about to speak until Li Chen's best friend, Sarah, came shouting in the library, "CHANBAEK IS REAL!!!"

Li Chen immediately stood up from her seat and was about to dash out, until she remembered something.

"Minho... I'm quite honored you find me attractive, but I'm a guy, anyways I have to go see my ship! Bye!!!" Li Chen dashed out of the library, leaving a confused Minho behind.


Hello my lovelies puririnluka here! I'm making a ChanBaek One shot collection to test my skills and hopefully improve on them as I go on, usually at points my stories ends up going wonky, and tend to sometimes mess up (I mean all of the time they mess up)

So please follow me in my writing journey using ChanBaek~!

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