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" come on kookie " I said pulling him in to the pet store

I walked up to the desk

" excuse me miss I came her 2weeks ago and something weird happened to my bunny " u said but she just kept looking up at kookie

" yes I know follow me as I take u to my husband" she said smiling at kookie

I turned around skilled at zizi and pulled him along

When we walked back I saw a man in his 60s I bowed to him a and his son

" hi I see u bought a bunny from our shop" he said looking at kookie

They were the same height

" we make hybrids but strong healthy big hybrids so when the find a female or male to mate with they make strong babies" he said patting kookie on the back

" yes sir but he's not normal and he wants to mate with me and I can't do that he's an animal" I said getting frustrated

" yes but he was made for u plus he's human now" he said walking to an white book

" yes but he was made for u plus he's human now" he said walking to an white book

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I looked at weird

" u do t know but u were meant to come here this was supposed to happen because of ur
Mother" he
Said looking at me

" kookie come sit here let me put the paint on ur chest" she said grabbing him

" why do u need to put paint on his chest" I said pulling him back

" it's for the ritual so he's k" she said takin him

" sir what ritual may I ask" I said with respect

" the mating ritual it's time and it needs to happen now" he said grabbing me and pushing me in a bathroom throwing some outfit at me

" the mating ritual it's time  and it needs to happen now" he said grabbing me and pushing me in a bathroom throwing some outfit at me

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I put it on
And tried to find like a hoodie and I did

I put it on and walked out

" why am o doing this and why are there 6other boys here" I said shy

" they are my partner and sons and he is my son and u guys need to mate but it's tradition that other males watch so they know the males Dominate and who's his woman" he said scratching his neck
" I'm not mating with him and letting u watch what type of girl do u think I am plus I don't even know what mating is" I yelled in his face pushing him
But my hands were stoped from hitting him

These very huge veiny hands grabbed my arm turning me around
I looked around
And it was jungkook he is naked and has all these patterns of paint all over him

" kookie let eomma go we need to go home so u can go to sleep" I said patting his hand

His grip got tighter

" kookie I can't breath" I said hitting him

He picked me up by my neck and threw
Me across the room

I landed on the very cushioned carpet

Tears began to come out my eyes

" what did u do to my baby " I yelled at them

" we didn't do it ur body did" they said

Then jungkook slowly walked to me
I tried to run but he grabbed my neck forcing my back on to his front

" jungkook I command u to stop I am ur owner not ur mate now let me go" I yelled

Then he just let go and he ran to his father and his dad put his hand on kookie a head and kookie looked at me with a pout and then Hid his head in his father chest

" kookie I'm sorry I command u I know u hate that" I said trying to touch him but he slapped me across the face so hard
I fell on the floor

Teas coming out my eyes
I got up and ran but tripped over a glass it broke and some went in my feet and arms

I started to cry an scream but I got up and ran out the store it was now night

How long was I in there

I ran down an ally
But someone grabbed me this woman

She pulled me over to a corner

" here mike she's always plus I found her" I looked they weren't from the shop

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