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* Digital clock:(beeps continuously)
* Ryan McCall:(stops beeping) (yawns)<>ok so summer is over and school has reopened to all those who say school sucks I'm sorry to say you're freaking right like come on why do we even have to go to school anyway. All we do is meet annoying teachers, bullies, kardashian wannabes, nerds, the emo kids that quarterback😒and detention yes detention every students enemy except the smart ones you know they never get caught you see they're smart so that kinda explains.
* Mrs McCall: Ryan!! You better get outta bed else you're gonna be late and you don't want to get detention on your first day do you?
* Ryan: In a sec mom(hands covering his face) <>you see what I was saying even my mom knows detention rules lol yh she has been to school and all so it's no news. Well gotta hurry and get to school it's gonna be a looonng first day.

* Ryan: (walking through the entrance)<> So I missed the bus again which happens often or a lot, maybe always but the point is I'm not late to school today so that's a plus for me.
* Mike:(runs lifts Ryan from behind) Yooo dude
* Ryan:(frightened) what the heck? Mike?
* Mike: Nope Santa Claus(laughs)
* Ryan: What's up bruh?
* Mike: You beat me to school that's what's up like you know that has never happened
* Ryan: (laughing) oh that. Be expecting more brother. <>you see earlier today I kinda had a ride from this man in a Chevrolet Camaro wicked cool so I think this is the last I'm beating him to school oh and when I say him I mean Mike my best friend. Honestly that Santa joke he made earlier was so lame like I feel so ashamed sorry guys it will never happen again. God what came over him.
* Mike: Come on bro lets check out the new clubs
* Ryan: Sure dude
* Both: (Surveying the clubs)
* Ryan: I'm gonna join the science club I hate wasting my brains on video games(passing hands through his black hair)
* Mike: I know right like those guys suck. Is it just me or we're the only pro gamers on earth(being sarcastic and laughing) well I'm gonna join the math club
* Ryan: You know maths?(surprised)
* Mike: You know maths?(mimicking)
* Ryan:(laughs) cool bro. Hey hey look over there(signaling Mike to look the other way)
* Mike:(looks) ooowwww is it who I think it is???? Mhen Jamie looks H to the O-T hot. Tell me you spoke to her during the holidays please make me happy(makes a sad puppy face)
* Ryan: No I didn't bruh(covering his face with one hand)
* Mike:(gives Ryan the you're a loser look) how many times do I have to tell you to make a move before it's too late. You want her to die before you tell her you like her?? Come on dude for all you know she might also be feeling something for you see the way she looks at you and smiles.
* Jamie:(looks at Ryan, smiles and waves at him)
* Ryan:(smiles and waves back)
* Mike: You see what I'm talking about dude?
* Ryan:<>Jamie Scotts is my classmate
* Mike: You mean your crush
* Ryan: Hey who invited you here (surprised) this is my personal space go away
* Mike:(laughs) Whatever dude
* Ryan:<> So back to Jamie she's my classmate, silky black hair, cute pointy nose, captivating smile, eyes like stars in the night sky, very.........
* Mike: And you say she's not your crush give me a break
* Ryan: Heeeyy!!! A little privacy please
* Mike: (laughs)
* Ryan:<> Ok guys so I kinda like her "kinda"the reason why I don't talk to her is because of this dude called Dan he is a quarterback in the schools football team. This guy is a pain in the ass like a real pain you'll know why later.
* School bell:(Rings)
* Ryan: So I guess it's class time. Yo Mike we've gotta get to class before Mr Davidson give us detention for being late.
* Mike: You mean gives you detention(shouting and running to class)
* Ryan: Yo that's not cool(laughing and chasing after Mike)<>see you in class guys well some of you those who will stop reading stop I don't care🙄I'm just joking please read😭pleeeeaaaasseeeeee 😫
* Mike: Yo dude stop being a wussy and come on🤦‍♂️

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