"Just a Friend"

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"C'mon, get over here! " I said from the other side of the park. He walked up to me and laughed, "Well maybe if you didn't walk so fast, Haha"

I used to like jimin when we were younger but then I realized that he probably didn't feel the same so I decided to leave him alone and to just keep our relationship as friends.
I ran up to him and took his hand. "Let's go, Chanyeol will be waiting... "

Jimin POV

"Let's go, Chanyeol will be waiting... " I signed and smiled. I hate knowing she has a boyfriend that isn't me.
As we reached the cafe, I could see him sitting on the table w/ a cup of coffee and a bright smile. He waved at me and Y/N." Over here! " Y/N ran up to chanyeol and hugged him tightly. I could feel a lump in my throat when seeing them like this.
"Hey Jimin, why are you standing there? Come here! " He gave me a little hug and we walked to the movies just a little while away.
She held Chanyeol's arm and the 3 of us walked together. Man, I feel like such a third wheel right now. When we walked inside, we decided to watch a comedy movie.
Halfway through the movie, I reached to get a piece of popcorn but then-
Dammit not now. My head felt light headed and dizzy. I have a sickness and I only have this month to live now. I still haven't told Y/N. I keep telling myself that I'll tell her day after day... but I never really do....
"Um, I'm gonna go to the restroom" I said. "Okay" They said. I got up holding my stomach. Great, now my stomach hurts too. I quickly went to the restroom and locked the stall.
I went up to the toilet and threw up. When I was done, I went to the sink and washed my mouth. I didn't feel like throwing up anymore but I was still light headed. I wanna go home and rest... Forever.

* * * *

"Jimin!!! Why didn't you come back!? I got worried! " Then why didn't you come and check if I was okay? I lied(caught in a lieeeee🎼) " I met an old friend on the way and we had a long chat, sry"Chanyeol in formed " Dude, you missed the ending! It was a terrible ending though tbh" He laughed" The boy didn't even get with the girl in the end cause he had to move. It sucked.'' He realized '' Oh wait! I probably spoiled it for you didn't I? Sorry.'' I insisted ''No,it's fine.'' Y/N suggested. '' Why dont we all go home now? it's getting dark'' Me and Chanyeol agreed and we all went home.


'' Jin!!'' I said from the other side of the house. Jin is my older brother."Yes Y/N?'' I got in my bed and patted beside me signaling for him to sit next to me." Tell me a bedtime story"
  He signed " Ah~ Y/N, you're so  childish.I begged." Plzzzz~" He sat next to me ." Alright then,relax and listen.Ther was a girl and she had a boyfriend that cared for her alot but he was always saying he was to busy and had to cancel their plans.....So the girl felt like he was just saying that and she never really thought she meant that much to him.So, She started looking at other guys.The boy noticed and felt like she didn't like him anymore but,he didn't know he had a sickness keeping him from the plans.(He didn't tell her about his sickness) He had to stay home and take medicines and spent day after day throwing up.Then one day he felt dizzy and he had to go to the hospital. 
   He was on the verge of dying. He called her saying how much he loved her and she rushed to the hospital but when she got there he was almost about to did. She sat next to him and he whispered " I love you" knowing he had the world right next to him,he closed his eyes peacefully and went to rest". He finished his story.
  "So did you like it? " "No! " I said " Now I'll probably cry myself to sleep" He laughed like. "Just go to sleep, goodnight. " "Goodnight" I said. I went to sleep w/ a thought my head. What if  that happens to chanyeol and me?

*         *         *         *

  " Chanyeol! Let's meet up today. " I said over the phone. "What why? " He said. "I wanna spend more time w/ you! "He was confused at first but then smiled. " Alright. "
  I hung up the phone and Jiminy called. "Y/N, are we going out to eat or no? " I then realized. I forgot that I was going to go out to eat w/ Jimin! I answered "I'm so sorry Jimin! I have to go somewhere with chanyeol, it's important. Maybe next time! " He sighed. "Alright then, next time." "I'm sorry, maybe next week. Bye Jimin. " " Bye" He said and I hung up the phone.

*        *         *         *

  Jimin POV

She hung up. I took off the clothes I was gonna go out with and put on my crappy home clothes. Of course Y/N was gonna end our plans for Chanyeol. I should've expected it. I went to the fridge took my pills. I honestly have no idea if I'll ever tell
Y/N about my sickness.

   Y/N POV

   Chanyeol and me went out to eat today. I had a lot of fun. Should I call him again tomorrow? What if he thinks I'm being clingy. Well either way, I have to show him how much I do care, as if its my last time with him.
  I called Jimin. "Hello? " I said l. "Hello? " He said tiredly. "Could u help me tomorrow? " " With what? " He asked. I answered " I wanna set up a date at my house for Chanyeol. " "Well... " He said " I don't know yet" I asked " Why? What's wrong " He replied " I might have to go somewhere. " " Oh. " I said. " Well okay then, thx anyway. Bye~" He said bye back and hung up. I started to get the date for chanyeol ready.

*       *        *         *

(The Next Day)

I woke up feeling dizzy. I feel worse then normal. I should probably go to the hospital. I got changed and drove away.
When I came, I had to he set in bed. They asked me questions and ran these texts on me. I sat on the hospital bed. I honestly don't really care if I die now. Y/N doesn't care anymore so what's the point.
  Ever since we were little I already knew about my sickness. I didn't want to tell Y/N. Even now I still haven't. I really should but.... I just don't want to know how she'll react. I have to stay the night in the hospital w/ thoughts in my mind about " where did everything go wrong?" I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

  The next day the lights shining through the blinds while I lay in bed made my head hurt. The doctors came in, " Mr.Park, you have a about 5 hours to live. I suggest you call your family and friends before you pass away. I sighed and took out my phone to text Y/N.... actually, I think I'll do it the old fashioned way.

*     *      *     *


I finished my cup of coffee and went to go check the mail. A note caught my eye. It was signed by Jimin. I opened it and read the letter

Dear Y/N

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before about my condition. I didn't want to see you cry because of me. I was your best friend. You were my best friend, would it be selfish of me to want more than that?
I feel like a coward for only telling you now that I'm at the risk of dying,and I feel more of a coward for having to write on a piece of paper because I'm too afraid.
Please don't reject this. Please don't shut me out. That's what I'm afraid of, losing you. Thanks for being w/ me the whole ride. I couldn't need anything more than that.~"

          Just A Friend,

Tears uncontrollably fell on the piece of paper. I packed my bags and fled out the door. I need to see him,now. I drives as quickly as I could, when I reached the hospital,I pushed through  all the people and up the stairs. As I walked inside the room. Jimin was lying in the room, looking off into to the wall. I ran up to him "Jimin!!"

*     *     *    *
Jimin POV

I looked to the door to see Y/N. She ran up to me and held my hand. Tears running down her face. My sight went black. I smiled." Y/N..... I like you...." My senses were going numb. The feelings in my hands went out and soon did my whole body. My last sense was my hearing. I could hear
Y/N crying and saying back. " I like you too."
  I smiled knowing I had the world right next to me. My hearing went black and I finally got my rest I've always wanted.........Forever.

                    [ End ]

*          *          *         *

Hey guys I know I took like forever again but there's about 1,500 words in this that's long🖤. Well hope y'all enjoy the one shot. I PURPLE YALL💜

Bts OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora