3 antagonists

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(Every 5th chapter will include these 3 antagonists)

---How they react to compliments---

Eddie Gluskin: He becomes a very confident man. Any compliments thrown his way will make him throw a cocky remark back. Even with his cockiness he tends to get a bit flustered and stunned, not used to recieveing them.

Walrider: Never a blush that noticiable. Yes it's there but it's never dark enough for the human eye to notice. He will disappear in fear od someone noticing though.

Possessed Miles Upshur: His veins will pulsate a bit with pleasure as he will get closer and fish for more conpliments as it feeds his confidence and perviness.

---Nose Shape---

Eddie Gluskin: He has a rather big nose but not as big as Miles. His nose tends to grow red when complimented though, which gives him away.

Walrider: The Walrider can have any nose it wants. It can form any shape but likes to keep a medium sized nose with no bridge just so it doesn't have to put any extra work into it.

Possessed Miles Upshur: Same as Miles Upsur when he isn't possessed except dirt completely covers his nose this time.

---What makes them happy---

Eddie Gluskin: Seeing that a hole is already on his bride. Also that his bride actually has a popping out chest. He wants the tiddies. Be nice and give him them.

Walrider: It wants to just stalk all day. Even if it's not interested in possessing the person, it interests them in what a human life is.

Possessed Miles Upshur: Being able to get past 1st base. This perverted sick fuck wants his hands on his partner at all times so he can feel human again.

---Unusual hobbies---

Eddie Gluskin: (Warning! This is Eddie Gluskin) Sewing up the holes on his dead bodies. He gets sick and tired of the babies being born to early and not making it.

Walrider: Scaring the patients. The reason why it's unusual is because it doesn't like it's presence known. So when the time comes that theres a death at the hospital, it likes to make it seem like the ghost of the dead person.

Possessed Miles Upshur: Buying gifts. He likes to buy them a lot for his loved one or friends. The only problem being, are you willing to accept a death threat as a gift with two small boxes with the words 'ring' and 'pointer' written on them with a return address?

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