Chapter One ~ Patients ~

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Looking up at the building, it looked just like any ordinary psych ward. Cement white painted stone with a formal sign out in front of the parking lot reading "Hemingway Therapy and Psych Ward." And, although strange to most, you liked the building for the clean ways it looked. Viewing all the other wards around, they didn't sit right with you. You could tell some type of injustice would be taken out on the patients and there was not a single way you would too, do an injustice to these people, no matter their mental stability.  

Walking inside, you met a nurse wheeling a cart full of products and supplies. Before you could even ask, she kindly directed you towards Mr.Keers office, the very man who had hired you days before.

The office lights above you flickered occasionally as you walked, red heels clicking against linoleum to create a harsh sound through the mostly silent halls. When you rounded a corner, you heard Mozart being streamed from a patients room, making you smile slightly. This place, Hemingway... they were doing things right. Music therapy and keeping on top of the patients with individualized therapists to connect with, they were clearly on top of their game. And that was exactly why you were here, another therapist added to another group of patients, keeping on top of their illnesses and their needs.

And now you sat before Mr.Keers, a tall, narrow man who'd been a psychiatric and psychologist all his life. The psyche was his realm and it quickly prompted him to create this very institution. He was a proud man, one who put the building before all else, and especially the patients within. Just another factor that drew you to the business.

"Miss. (Y/n) (L/n), a pleasure to see you again." He smiled as he shook your hand urging you to sit down. You promptly did, clipboard already in hand, waiting to take notes for your first day of work. His office warm and inviting, soft colors of green and white throughout with open windows filtering in light from the morning sun.

"Ah no need for that-" he waved his hand towards your clip board, instead thrusting a yellow colored file towards you. "This should do just fine- it contains within it all the patients you'll be working with." You opened the file, skimming the through the multiple names. "...Thank you." You said quietly, smiling up at him. "Really, you didn't need to go through all this trouble-" "Ah, no biggie!" He then laughed as he sat down in his desk again, pulling out a file looking awfully similar to yours. "Now," He began, adjusting in his seat and calmly slicking back his grey and black peppered hair, "Lets start with your patients shall we?" His smile was welcoming as he began to sort through the file. The sunlight continued to shine through the window.

You nodded, opening your file to the very first patient, a man by the name of Feliciano Vargas. You recognized the sound of the name, Italian. You glanced over the file with quick eyes, taking in the man's description, glancing at his picture in the top right. Brown hair, brown eyes, a happy looking face.... he looked like what a young, delighted boy may pass off as.

"First we have Feliciano." Began Keers, skimming his finger down the patient's information. "He's been fairly easy going recently, he's really mellowed out now that he's used to his environment. Before hand he was very anxious upon arriving at his room. But! He is honestly just a joy to have here." Keers smiled a bit at this, abandoning the information for now. "He gets along just fine with the nurses and staff, and a therapist will only help him develop more in his attitude. You see, Feliciano came here because he had an issue with severe anxiety. Now you may ask what would cause this anxiety and it was quickly found out- he gets easily attached. Through nurses, staff, Christ even me." He paused, sighing a bit. "The nurses for a while were afraid to go to his room, for fear of triggering his anxiety when they left to do other duties." Your eyes softened as you stared at the happy picture on the page. "But, we believe having a therapist can help him cope with these attachment issues, especially with visits from one consistent person, until we gradually ween him off in a way... but tell me..." Keers looked at you seriously, folding his hands on his desk. "If you're not comfortable with this situation, you can tell me right now and I can assign you another patient in return, it's understandable."

Mentally and Physically ~ Yandere!Hetalia x Therapist!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now