sometimes being clumsy is okay

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                                                                             CHAPTER TWO

                                                                                 ROSES POV

It wasn't raining anymore as I walked out my flat but a few accidentally steps in puddles on the path my red converse where soaked.slowly I walked to the crossing I wanted to take my time and honestly I don't really know why.Standing next to miserable men and women the green man finally came on and I safely crossed the road , that hedgehog thing for road safety and shit should be proud of me.

After walking for around five minutes I got to the take away and ordered the normal Margarita pizza and chips.another 10-15 minutes of waiting later and I got my pizza.As I was about to reach for my box the man who gave me it smiled and looked so proud and said " new box ", I smiled at him and picked up my food and turned around however my face dropped as I looked outside.It was a fucking typhoon again. " good job we give our food in boxes ey " the guy said with a grin " even better there new as well " I replied without missing a beat and quickly walked out into the mother fucking storm.

Honestly I wasn't really looking where I was going and ended up going the long way " for fucks sake " I muttered under my breath.I was looking down and quickly walking in what I thought was a pretty empty street then suddenly thud I'm on the floor.I looked up to see I walked into someone " shit I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and " I blurted out quickly." don't worry about it " the guy said with what i sensed was a grin , his voice sounded strangely familiar. He stood up and looked over me..IT WAS DAN FRIKIN HOWELL.

He looked down at me for a few moments " l-let me help you up " dan said offering me a hand. I smiled " thanks " I said as I happily took his hand and he pulled me up easily. " so hey I'm Dan " Dan said kinda dorkily looking down , I found this immensely cute and smiled at it. " Hi Dan I'm rose " I replied trying my best not to yell OF COURSE I KNOW YOUR DAN , SIR I WATCH YOUR MOTHERFUCKING VIDEOS MARRY ME. Much to my surprise  Dan looked up with a slight smile then looked to his side where my now sodden food lay on the floor." shit im so sorry let me buy you a new one " he stammered looking slightly shaky , " no no its fine don't worry about it" I said and put my hand on the top of his arm to indicate for him to look at me. " really is it " I said as he looked at me , I swear he blushed as soon as I touched him. " at least let me buy you something to eat..Starbucks maybe ? " he asked kinda quietly. " id love to but at least let me pay part I insist " I said half smiling trying not to fangirl , " maybe " he replied and we both smiled.

Briskly and damp , we both walked to Starbucks.I texted Daisy on the way ' I MET SENPAI BE BACK LATE HOPE YOU CAN MAKE PASTA OKAY BYE ' , our friendship is da bomb.Dan kept looking at me and a side grin crept across his face ,as soon as he realized I saw this he blushed and looked down.It came into my mind , I was with senpai MOTHERFUCKING SENPAI.Daniel Howell was literally looking like he had a school boy crush me on and I'm keeping my cool , seriously my ovaries haven't even exploded.

Around 10 minutes later we arrived at Starbucks.Dan turned to me " so what do you want " he asked with slight puzzle in his voice.Grinning I answered " Why don't I be as white as possible and have a caramel frap".He chuckled and replied with a side smile " i'll be white with you then ".

It smelt strongly of coffee , and around the room was many people on macbooks sternly doing serus buesnes work with serus buesnes coffe.Dan went to join the small queue and I went to get a small table at the back , away from all the serus buesnes.

Around  6 minutes later dan came over with two caramel fraps and in the stereotypical white girl voice he said "oh my God we should like so instagram these".I laughed  at him and in the same voice i replied "oh my God we should like totally do that but first, let me take a selfie".Dan cracked up with the most attractive laugh I have ever heard.

After around half and hour of talking I felt so comfortable around Dan ,Like we had known each other years.Out of the blue Dan said with and enthusiastic voice " seriously Rose you like all the same bands as me and in all the same fandoms your just perfect in every way".As soon as he said it he looked like he just said like a national secret , and MI5 are about to shoot him." Daniel you are fucking perfect" I replied without even thinking.

He looked me dead in the eye and you could see shock, happiness and want in them." guess it's ditto then, Rose " he said in a slightly seductive voice.I melted inside I literally felt like snogging him right there and now I don't even care i'm gonna make a fucking porn scene in Starbucks.

"Dan It's 11 , I'm going to have to go home " I said with a sigh." okay ill walk you home , but first number exchange ". Smiling we both exchanged numbers." DANIEL BE ATTRACTIVE " I said with a slight tone to it for a contact photo , he pulled his national treasure derp face." okay now you be attractive " Dan replied smiling. I did the most deepest face I could and the look on his face was fucking amazing.

Me and Dan chatted while walking back to my flat." I'm here now Dan , will you text me when you get back?" I asked with puzzle." Of course I will " Dan replied without missing a beat , he then engulfed me in a massive hug which lasted around 50 seconds.He smelt of chocolate lynx and was warm ,fucking perfect." bye " we both said as I turned around to walk to my flat.

As I got in I slid down the wall.Tonight was the best day of my life , so far.

authers note ^.^

wow second chapter finished at last sorry but my last one deleted itself and I rage quit it , only just came back to it cos lel.

anyway I'm planning allot to happen , so look forward to new chapters * internet hugs * BAI

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