Danny boy playing wid dem heart strings

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I woke up with a start , I was having one of those weird life like nightmares. I knew Daisy was out , and I was terrified.I was still shaking my room seemed loomy and basically like a horror movie scene. I needed someone , I didn't really have friends but then I felt a pang.Dan , maybe I could text him and he could I don't know make sure it felt real.

I reaches for my phone and quickly went on messages and messaged Dan.

Dan I've had a really bad nightmare and im home alone and scared help

I clutched my phone , why wasn't he replying? I looked at the time '4:30' Rose you dumb bitch he wont even be awake. I sat in the middle of my bed clutching my quilt shaking , I was more then terrified.

It had been half an hour , I heard a knock at my door.I was crying at this point i was scared shit less. I slowly walked to my door and opened it with my hand shaking. Dan was stood there , hobbit hair and plain black skinny jeans his eclipse shirt and white high tops.Without thinking I hugged him really tight and wouldn't let go , and kinda cried on him. " its okay I'm here now " Dan said soothingly , he then picked me up effortlessly and carried me to my room.( the door was open it was obvious which was mine )

He gently put me on my bed and sat on the edge of it , he seemed to shy to get on next to me properly. I looked at him and I realized something , he came all this way to make sure i was okay , the least i could do was give him a comfy seat. I opened my arms and looked at him. He kicked his shoes off and moved so he was lying  down next to me , he then put his arm around me.I rested my head on his chest.

" tell me what is was about " Dan whispered soothingly.I paused , would he get worried ? I mean it was messed up."... okay " I answered. " I was in this grey room , and I couldn't move like at all , it was like i was paralyzed. and then this thing crawled down from the ceiling , her head was spinning her body spinally and skeletal like slender man and it was just crawling towards me , i was screaming and couldn't move and its face. its eyes where deep and black , pitch black , her jaw broken and dangling down. she then looked me right in the arm and the screaming , it was like the girl from scary maze. Then i woke up and i don't wanna spend the night alone. " 

Dan looked at me for a few seconds " you wont have to spend the night alone rose " he whispered tightening his grip around my hip.The boy was playing with my heart strings i swear.I felt full of emotions of just satisfaction and joy.

" thank you " i whispered  getting under my covered. Dan just looked at the space next to me. I realized how awkward and shy he was , it was adorable. I opened my arms again , and without hesitation he got under the covers next to me and put his arm around me. I snuggled into him and rested my head on his chest.

After around 3 minutes of cuddling with him he whispered " I love you rose " and kissed the top of my head." I love you to Dan " I whispered back.

I was in shock , does this mean we're together ? I mean how could Dan love me. I decided to not think about it and just sleep in what seemed like the most perfect night of my life

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOES THE FEELS MAKE UP FOR THE LACK OF LAST CHAPTER ? FEELS I GOT FEELS WRITING THIS OKAY

I should really explain why I wasn't updating , I haven't been at my best and i just couldn't write anything my mind was preocupied , but hey its summer holidays ^.^ i got 5 more weeks left js 

and im also working on my naughty fanfic 50 shades of fandoms which is ridiculously dirty and sexual cx  

anyway please carry on reading , i send my loves 

* swivels into the distance *

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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