Part 1

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A/n: I just got into mystic messenger, and I love V!

This can take place after any of the stories.

"Sorry I'm late guys," Seven said, limping up to you. He was on crutches.

You, Zen, Jeahee, Yoosung, Jumin, V and Seven had all agreed to meet up for dinner on this fine day. It was amazing that Jumin had convinced V to actually come, since he had been avoiding everyone since the whole Mint Eye fiasco.

"What happened to you?" Yoosung asked, "did you fall down the stairs or something?"

"Nah, turns out I broke it during the whole Mint Eye thing..." Seven waved off Yoosung's concern.

"You broke your ankle and didn't notice?" Zen asked, "you should take better care of yourself,"

Seven shrugged. "I don't notice pain that much; I thought that I had just sprained it," 

"Well next time you should go to a doctor right away," Jeahee stated, folding her arms.

"Whatever, " Seven replied, "Let's just go to the restaurant,"

You almost got there without incident. Almost.

The restaurant was only a block way, when Seven tripped on one of his crutches.

"Sh**!" He yelled, falling over.

"Language," Jumin muttered, as Zen and Yoosung helped Seven up.

"Are you ok? Do you want me to call an ambulance?" asked Zen.

"What? No! I'll be fine!" Seven replied.

"Are you sure? What if you've broken it more?" asked Jaehee worriedly.

"I'll be fine. If it wasn't for stupid Mint Eye, I wouldn't be in this situation anyway. Haven't they done enough already? Why let them ruin our evening aswell? I don't know about you guys, but I really don't fancy a pointless trip to the hospital," Seven grumbled, "besides, it really doesn't hurt that much,"

"If it wasn’t for V, we wouldn't be in this situation," Yoosung muttered.

There was a stunned silence. Everyone stared at Yoosung.

"What? You were all thinking it! Besides, it's true! If V hadn't kept a thousand and one secrets then the entire Mint Eye situation could have been avoided!" Yoosung folded his arms.

You looked up at V, expecting him to reply, to defend himself.

He said nothing, and simply stared at the floor.

"You're not even defending yourself! That prooves that it's all your fault!" Yoosung yelled.

"That's enough, Yoosung," you stepped infront of him.

"Calm yourself," Jumin added, "and apologising wouldn't hurt,"

"N-no, it's ok, I get it, " V interrupted, "I'm sorry. I'll go," and with that, he turned to leave.

"V! Wait!" you called out.

He didn't turn back.

"Well done!" you said turning on Yoosung, "That was the first time he's left his house in days! You just had to ruin it didn't you!"

Yoosung had the decency to look guilty. "What I said was the truth though," he whined.

You raised one eyebrow, unimpressed.

"I understand that you find it hard to forgive him, but can at least try and be a bit more considerate?" Jumin broke in, "try and see it from his point of view,"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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