Author's Note

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Dear Readers-

I promised you guys a sequel to "Inescapable." I told you guys that it would come at some time or other, but I wouldn't promise when because of the fact that I'm a very busy author (and I may have bitten off more than I can chew with all of my "Tangled: the Series"- okay, mostly Varian and Co-Ladies-In-Waiting- stories) and person in general.

But another thing about me is the fact that I'm super-impulsive and don't know how to wait and hang in there... I feel like I need to get started on this, you know?

Anyways, I wanted to give you guys a few fair warnings.

a. This is the second in a planned trilogy of mine. It goes "Inescapable," "Capable," and "Able." If you have not yet read "Inescapable," I would suggest going to do that this very moment, before you get yourself super-involved in this one. This will cause less confusion and more potential heartbreak, but... It's up to you, I guess.

b. If you have read "Inescapable," it's important that you know that I'm kind of planning on this one being a bit more... Heartbreaking. I started writing this one as simple fluff, and then I made the final decision about whether or not Varian would choose reclaiming Old Corona or not, and, well, it kind of spiraled out of control from there. (I do have a plot, but it's a bit of a killer... So, yeah, um, I'm kind of subconsciously evil, I suppose).

c. I'm going to try tackling at least one new subject matter that I've never really addressed in any of my stories before... And the fact that I've already got a whole ton of it planned out... This is kind of one of those big social issues and prejudices and all that. I'm not exactly going to tell you what my stances are on this one, nor will I address the situation head-on, unless I end up including one of my draft scenes... Still, please don't get angry at me for doing this, or be super-excited that I did this. I... I don't know what to think of it, so...

d. You're going to meet more characters of mine! Craig, Jonah, and Vince aren't my only characters for "Tangled: the Series." In this story, you're going to meet Clara, a maid (who I decided would kind of be cute with Pete, so I put them together); Hugo; Grant, a jerk of a guard who I don't even know that much about, much less why he's going to be in this story, but still; David and Meg, a doctor and his wife; among many others. I'm so excited to get to introduce more of my characters to you!!! I have a feeling that you'll like a majority of them almost as much as I like them, and... I'm just so happy. XD

e. You remember Varian's dream from "Inescapable"? This book, we're going to meet little Trystan for the first time. The epilogue will feature the dream yet again- this time, though, it'll be real- as well as meeting two more kids (also original characters of mine).

That's it for now, I think, so... Here goes nothing!!!

Keep on reading and writing.

You guys rock!


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