Chapter Two

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There was socializing. Of course there was socializing. If she'd had her way, Cassandra would've just had dinner, chatted quickly with her friends and father and then just... Left. Unfortunately, that was not an option.

Socializing... It unnerved Cass to no extent. Perhaps it would've been easier on her if she'd been born into royalty. Of course, though, that was not the case. She had married into it. And she had to accept the fact that her husband wasn't used to it, either. He was just as clueless as she was.

"Cass!" Rapunzel called, loud and perky, as she ran up to join her friend, "hey! How have you been?"

The princess engulfed Cassandra in a big bear hug, one so tight that Cass could practically hear her bones cracking. She grunted a little, awkwardly patting her friend on the back in hopes of being relinquished.

"Okay, Raps," she managed in a strained voice, "be careful, okay? I don't think that anyone would feel like bringing a rag doll home today."

Rapunzel gave a short, awkward chuckle before letting Cass go. "Sorry..."

But Cassandra's attention had been diverted away from the princess. All the way across the room, Varian was in the middle of what seemed to be an intense game of tag with some of the Saporian children. She smiled to herself as she watched the scene unfold.

"You know, he's gonna make a great dad someday," Rapunzel said, putting a hand on Cass's shoulder, "Varian, I mean."

Cass nodded. "Yeah... Our children will be really lucky to get to call him their father."

Rapunzel gently squeezed Cass's shoulder and said good-bye, heading off to socialize with other people at the party. Varian looked up at Cass just then, scooping one of the little girls up and spinning her around before placing her on his shoulders. Cass waved at him and he grinned, waving back.

Cassandra was content to just stand and watch her husband as he interacted with the Saporian children. Images flashed through her mind, images of a possible future.

She could easily see herself and Varian growing older, raising kids of their very own. Practical miniatures of themselves.

The idea alone sent shivers down her spine.

She crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to observe Varian, continued to watch his interactions with the village children. She was so immersed, in fact, that she hardly noticed it when a young woman- quite possibly younger than Varian, actually- joined her.

"Is one of them yours?"

Cass startled a little, but managed to maintain her cool as she replied, "yeah. You see the tall one with the dark hair and dorky grin?"

The woman chuckled. "Clever. But... He's good with the kids, that's for sure."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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