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The Shang Tu Police Department - or, STPD, for short. In the vast, beautiful blue city of Shang Tu, it was but another building on the long central road leading up to the Royal Palace. Inside, it was bustling with officers and guards, and any citizen with a dilemma that needed to be solved. At the STPD, it was like any other day. It seemed that everyone was content with that.

Inside the Department, down a series of brightly lit hallways, increasingly empty as they passed, there was a door. It looked much like the other doors around it, the only exception being the name on the front of it. Two words, engraved in gold, entwined beautifully together to make a name, like the embracing hands of lovers.

Behind the door with the beautiful name, in a dark, dimly lit room, there were two desks facing away from each other. One, barren aside from the essentials, desktop computer, paper and pens. The other, overflowing with papers and files, strewn about in disorderly fashion. The desk was decorated with an overabundance of photographs, each depicting smiling faces, people together during good times. The desk lamp, the only light in the room, was shining down on an officer asleep in her chair, head resting on her palm, drooling onto her case papers.

With a small click, the door opened, spilling light into the dark room. A person entered, flipping on the nearby switch and illuminating the room. The officer at the desk stirred, sniffling in her sleep, but did not awake. The person approached and tapped the officer on the shoulder. She didn't respond. So, the visitor tried something more straightforward.


At once, the officer snapped awake, her sudden movement sending papers flying. She scrambled to recollect them, awkwardly sorting them together as she looked up at the hilt of the spear resting against her desk. She then continued to look up at the person holding said spear, addressing her with a stern expression.

"Officer Tea."

The officer swallowed and put on a weak smile. "Neera..." She looked down at the mess she called a workplace and nervously ran her fingers back through her short hair. "I'm sorry, I was up late last night..."

"Don't make excuses," said Neera shortly.

The officer nodded apologetically, placing her papers back into their correct places. Neera, meanwhile, had mounted her spear on her back and was on her way out. She stopped in the doorway and turned back. "Come along."

So, the officer abandoned her room to follow Neera back up the Department's halls. As she walked, she attempted to straighten out her uniform. This proved to be a task while keeping up with Neera's brisk pace.

"You remember what we're doing, correct?" Neera said.

At once, the officer's expression lit up. "Of course! You're assigning me a partner."

Neera nodded. "You're more enthusiastic about it than I might have expected. I thought you liked working alone."

"I do. But this could be a nice change of pace, you know? Break up the monotony. Who knows, it might even be... nostalgic. If that makes any sense."

"Perhaps." Neera shrugged mildly. "Now you must remember, he's only completed his training recently."

The officer nodded attentively. "Right, so you want me to show him the ropes."


"Yeah. I can do that."

"Good. It shouldn't be a problem for you."

"No ma'am."

The officer glanced around, biting her lip, before facing forward again.

"So... Can you tell me anything about him?"

"You're about to meet him."

"I know, but... I'd just like to have a little information going in, if that's okay."

Neera hummed. "Well, he's very talented. He has a sharp eye and a strong mind."

The officer nodded contentedly. "He should make a good investigator, then."

"With any luck, he'll be an equally good match for you."

"With any luck."

Eventually, Neera stopped walking, and the officer halted obediently behind her.

"I should warn you, though..." Neera cautioned, "He's a bit... reckless. 'Plays by his own rules,' as it were."

The officer chuckled. "Sounds familiar."

"I wonder why."

"Don't worry about it. I'll keep him in line."

Neera nodded. "I'm counting on it."

The officer looked to the door they were standing in front of, then back to Neera. "Thank you for choosing me for this opportunity," she said with a salute. "I won't let you down."

"I know," said Neera, smiling slightly. "You never have before."

She twisted the handle and opened the door, and the two stepped inside. The room was filled with desks, but only one at the front was occupied. It was occupied by a man, who didn't respond when the two women entered; a man whom the sight of caused the officer's optimism to immediately drop into her stomach.

She would know this man anywhere. He was the last person she'd been expecting to see.

He was leaned back in a chair, feet folded atop the desk. Dressed in uniform, his jacket was unbuttoned, and his tie was improperly tied. He was busying himself by lazily shuffling a deck of cards in his hands.


At once, the man stopped completely. Slowly, he turned his head in her direction. Then, their eyes met. They stayed there for an amount of time, each frozen to the other's cold stare. Without breaking from her gaze, he removed his feet from the desk and stood up, his brow knitting into a scowl.


Although their stare was intense enough to freeze over a volcano, this had no bearing on Neera. She stepped between them, glancing fromhim, to her. Her presence did little to break the ice. Regardless, she continued.

"Officer Sean Shuiman." Neera pointed to him.

"Officer Lilac Tea." Then, to her.

Unhesitatingly, though her expression was hard, she stepped forward and extended her hand to him. He stared down at it momentarily, before meeting her eyes again. He took her hand and gripped it, and she gripped in return, both probably tighter than they should have.

"I trust that you two are already acquainted with each other."

They released their hands and looked away.

"No," said Spade, as Lilac ran her fingers through her hair again. "I don't know this girl at all."

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