what is this place?

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As Maya was dragging me and Lola to this glowing light, I couldn't help but turn my flashlight back on.

Maya: Sunny! Turn it off, I wanna see what this is and with the flashlight on we won't be able to see it that well!

Sunny: sorry!

Lola: Sunny it's fine!

I looked down and continued walking, knowing that I really didn't want to do this. By each step we were getting farther and farther away from the beach house and close and close to the glowing light. We continued walking and stopped at a cave, where this blue light has been coming from.

Me: uhh guys, this is not a good idea let's turn back! *another breaking branch* PLEASE!?

Maya: no Sunny! Let's see what this is, and what the worst thing that could happen?!

I looked at Lola to see her looking directly towards me.

Lola: to be honest, I kinda want to see what it is too, please come on Sunny! Me and Maya are both right here for you.

Sunny: oh okay.

We slowly stepped into the cave and as soon as we did we all felt this cool breeze blow at us.

Sunny: guys....

Maya and Lola: it's okay!

We took another step and another and another, this strange light getting bigger and brighter. Then there was a staircase.

Maya: let's go down!

Lola: mm are you sure it's looks so sketchy down there, I didn't think it would be like this is here!

Sunny: ya same.

Maya: guys it's fine I promise you NOTHING will happen!

Me and Lola both look at each other and held onto each other tighter, at this point we didn't need our flashlights anymore. We slowly stepped down each stair, one at a time, and looked at the walls we were passing. There was some kind of writing, and a picture, that looked like it could be some type of sea animal, but a human.....it's a mermaid... the picture is really detailed also, it was a beautiful mermaid but before I could examine it more we were walking down the next steps. The stairs were really long and went down in a circular form and then we reached the bottom. And the only thing I could describe this place with is,'woah!' There was some type of pool in the middle of it with a whole at the spend, looking like it could be connected with the ocean. This pool was the glowing light we saw, and it's a huge light and so cool! When you looked up there was also a hole in the ceiling in a perfect circle.

Sunny: woahhhhh this place is, amazing, beautiful, what it's it?

Lola: omg it looks, magical!

Maya: see told you guys, nothings going to happen, it's absolutely amazing! And it's not even that far from the beach house!

Me: are you kidding, yes it's far from the beach house! But, not too far....

Maya: wanna go for a swim?!

Me: what no! My mom will ask why we are all wet!

Maya: we can just say we were sweating so quickly dipped into the ocean, and hey, technically we are not lying because I think this is the ocean water!

Lola: ya come on Sunny, it looks cool!

Sunny: okay, I'll come in!

Maya and Lola: Yay!

We all held hands and on the count of three we jumped in together.




We all jumped in, and the water felt, it felt like it was new, it was different, it was really refreshing also!

Maya: it feels so nice

Lola: ya

And then they both looked at me.

Me: wha— oh,ya it's really nice...


The pool wasn't that big so we couldn't swim around that much but then out of no where the pool started to bubble.

Me: guys what's happening!?!?

Lola: Omgggg let's get out!

Maya: Guysssss!!!!!!!!! I CANT ITS LIEK ITS HOLDING ME IN!!!!


Lola: ME THREE!!

We all started screaming and then I told them to stop.

Me: screaming isn't going to help, no one can hear us.

Lola: true but what on earth is happening? Wait! Look up, the full moon, it's directly above the hole in the ceiling!

Me: what if that has something to do with this?!

Maya: let's just wait for the moon to pass. Look it's almost gone.

Me: your right..

As soon as the moon was gone the bubbling stopped, and it was quiet again.

Lola: ummm

Maya: well, is anyone hurt?

Me: no, let's get out now!

Hmm nothing seemed to happen, what was the point of that then, is it just a coincidence that it happens? I don't know but then we grabbed our sticks and flashlights and headed back to the beach house.

Me: oh ya girls?

Maya: yeah?

Me: don't tell anyone about what happened.

Lola: we won't!

Maya: promise!

Me: okay..

And we soon made it to the beach house, forgetting about what happened and started thinking about what to tell my mom on why we were gone for so long.

Authors note: please tell me what you guys thought about this chapter, do I have enough details? Also thanks for reading, more chapters to come soon!

(completed) Cash Baker plot twist/A Mermaid's Secret Where stories live. Discover now