afterschool//chapter three

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Ell's Pov
I collected all my stuff from my locker Tamara sighed "come on hurry up Ell" she exclaimed "hold on geez, Tammy" I grabbed my bookbag and shoved my binder inside "finally" she said I rolled my eyes "sorry" I stuck my tongue out she slapped the back of my neck. We walked down the steps and then I heard Matilda's voice behind me "Ell, Tammy!!" I stopped at the end of the steps "oh hi, Tilly" I smiled and embrace her "Ell guess what" she squealed her cheeks slightly pink "what happened?" I asked, "so remember Tori?" She started "Yeah?" Curious in what this had to be involving Tori "I think she likes me because she called me cute in history and wouldn't stop staring at me" I smiled until Tamara spoke "she did what?!" she yelled, angry towards Tori, Tamara gets mad and jealous easily. "Tammy, calm down," Matilda said, "how can I when she's flirting with my girlfriend??" Tamara crossed her arms "Tam, you know I only love you" Matilda assuring Tamara, Matilda leaned in and kissed Tamara she smiled and kissed my lips "I guess I was overreacting.." Tamara gave in "I just don't want her near you" Matilda smiled, she squeezed her hand "anyways, Ell where do you want to hang out today?" Matilda asked "hmm.. let's hang out at my place if that's fine," I replied, "okay!" they both answered.

As we were walking to my house we walked past a restaurant, McDonald's, I licked my lips I was feeling hungry. "Do you guys want some food?" I asked "ehhh sure" Tamara answered, Matilda looked back at McDonald's and her face turned to disgust "I don't know I'm trying to lose weight and McDonald's burgers are disgusting" I pouted "pleeeeease you can just order a milkshake or chicken nuggets" I shook her "okay, okay but I'm only getting a coffee and cookies" she gave in and I smiled "yay!!" I exclaimed and lead them in. We all walked out of the fast food restaurant, Tamara holding the bag, Matilda sipping on her coffee and the change clattering each other in the back of my pocket as I walked. We made it to my house, my parents were usually at work, as I opened the door and my cat, Ringo clawed at my foot I cringed in pain.
"Tamara!!!" Matilda yelled, "ugh, what do you want??" Asked Tamara, annoyed "can I braid your hair?" She asked. Tamara blushed "" Matilda pouted "pleeeeease? I promise I won't annoy you anymore" she begged Tamara groaned "fine...but after this, you owe me something" Matilda smiled "Yay!!!" She cheerfully exclaimed she quickly grabbed her bookbag and searched for her brush.

Matilda's Pov
I unzipped my bookbag and looked at it, everything was a little messy but that doesn't matter right now. "I got it" I raised the brush up in the air "great now hurry up," Tamara said "okay, okay I am" I kneeled down behind her and slowly pulled down her blue scrunchie. I ran my fingers through her light brown hair and hummed. She closed her eyes and smiled "you're enjoying this aren't you?" I teased "maybe.." I smiled "see it's not that bad," I said. She didn't respond but let out a sigh "I'm going to play with Ringo" Ell exclaimed, walking upstairs. I didn't respond to her and continue to play with Tamara's short light brown hair, I gently let my fingers go through her hair, which had a few tangles but still felt soft. I blushed lightly as she stood up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I wasn't done with your hair" I whined "yeah, but I don't want you to play with it all night long" she said I turned my back on her and crossed my arms, she chuckled softly "hey, we could watch some Tv up in Ell's room" she suggested "can we cuddle?" I asked "hmmm okay" she agreed and we walked upstairs. I held her hand as we walked but she let go when we made it to Ell's door, which made me slightly sad. "hey, Ell could we watch some Tv?" Ell glanced up at us and stopped petting Ringo "um, yeah of course!" She got up and handed us the remote "thanks" I heard Tamara mumbled. I found a giant green blanket and wrapped me and Tamara with it. I scooted closer leaning on her shoulder she changed the channels until we got to a show, *insert your favourite cartoon series cause I'm uncreative* I smiled and lifted my head to kiss Tamara on the cheek. She blushed and giggled "stop!" She whispered. I knew she loved it deep inside, I've known Tamara in fourth grade I remember when I first met her.

~FlAShBacKKk~I ran away from Ell since we were playing hide and seek. I was holding back my giggles as I found a large oak tree and hid behind it. I panted heavily from running so much as I was catching my breath I looked to my right to spot a girl with light brown hair and her eyes seemed to be black. "Um, hello," I said shyly she looked up and there were tears running down her cheeks "why are you crying?" I asked as I sat down next to her, "I've got pushed and laughed at by M-Macy, Edwina, a-and Joan" she hiccuped and let out sniffles "then they took away my Tomee bear" she continues then cried more "don't listen to them, they are just meanies" I said comforting her "I want my Tomee back" she wept I frowned but then caught a glance of Edwina, Joan, and Macy, laughing I stood up and walked towards them. They snickered as Edwina held the teddy bear and gripped the head "hey! give that back that doesn't belong to you" I interjected. Edwina let go of her grip on the teddy bear "and what are you going to do about it if I don't?" she sassed. I growled, "give it back!" I repeated but more demanding, Macy stepped in "why do you care? It's eyeless worth of nothing's problem" she contended. something clicked in me I couldn't understand why I cared so much about this girl I don't even know her name...yet I still defended her. I punched Macy's square in the face I'm not very strong but I'm not weak either. Blood had run down from her nose into her mouth I growled and looked over at Joan and Edwina, stared in horror. Macy held her nose and ran off towards the school everyone was silent and had witnessed me I heard whispers and chatters. I walked away and towards the oak tree to find the girl to find that she was gone...
!! this was a little too long so don't worry I'll write more next chapter!!

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